Never ever do that again!

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Liz's pov:
Taking a seat at the booth Cal and I normally sit at when we went to the diner. I still can't stop thinking about what just happened at the ops and Hetty's office. Looking at my phone I see that she already tries to figure out my clearance and security status. „Do you think it was a good idea to show her my file?" I ask Cal after we ordered our meals and drinks. He takes my hand in his and looks me in the eyes. „I don't know, but I trust Hetty! She always had my back and was there for me. If you think it gets to risky for you, then you do your magic and we leave to wherever. We could move to hawai or somewhere else with hot weather and the ocean!" he tells me honestly, not taking his eyes of off me. „I love you! I don't tell you that often enough!" the big smile I get from him is answer enough, still he replies with a simple and I love you! Which melted my heart. My phone again rings, looks like someone (Hetty) tries to find out how I got the highest clearance and asked Erik for help. With a smirk on my lips I block their hole account and hid everything with my name in it even more. Before I put my phone away I wrote them busted! Let's see how long there technik geeks need to work through that little blockade! G shakes his head at me for my antics but still laughs when he sees my face. „Want to bet how long they are going to need for that little problem?" I ask him mischievously? „I say they are going to need 2 hours." Cal says holding out his hand. „Ok, i say Erik is going to ask Nell for help, than they try for about 2 hours and after they are going to ask for even more help. Then Hetty is going to call so I can fix it for them." I specifically tell him while shaking his hand. „How are you so sure about that?" he wants to know. Another ring lets me look at my phone again, smirkingly I show Cal. „And Nell is already on board to help!" just as I put my phone back the waiter brings us our food. Thanking her before digging in. We talk about what we might do this evening and about our wedding. I really can't wait to finally become Ms. Cullen! Hopefully he likes the wedding dress Abby dad and I picked! As soon as I saw it I knew that it was going to be the perfect one. Dad even cried seeing me in it, so after that I knew it really is the right one for me! Abby also got her bridesmaid dress at the same store and date! She looks absolutely stunning in it!!
A call through me back to here and now. Smiling at Cal when he shows me Sam is calling him. No helping I sign to him when he picks up. „Sam! How may I help you today? He asks with a big smile on his lips. „Oh really!?, I have no idea! So you mean someone just blocked us in our own system? the only thing you guys can now see is the word busted!?........interesting!.....i'm sure Nell and Erik can fix that problem within minutes don't they?.........what do you mean they try already since over an hour!?........well, I hope you figure it out fast then! By the way Liz and I are going for some coffee after lunch, since the computer isn't working it shouldn't be a problem! Oh and Sam, tell Hetty that this wasn't a really smart move!" the last sentence wasn't in the same light and funny tone but more like a threat. „You didn't need to say that, at least not in that tone." I tell him quietly. „I did! Needed to make sure they understand that it isn't a good idea to try to corner you! We both know how paranoid you can get when someone tries to find something out about you behind your back! And for good reasons to!" he says still pissed of a little. Shaking my head I take his hand in mine. „You really don't need to be my hero, but it is really nice of you that you still are!" kissing him softly on the lips. The smile he sends my way makes my heart go faster. „How about that coffee you told Sam about?" I ask him quietly, his face still so close to mine. Slowly bringing a bit more space between our lips, Cal payed the waiter and we went to get some coffee, maybe even some scones. Gosh I love scones!! Leading him to the right direction he already shakes his head, knowing fully well why I want to go to that specific coffee place. Walking by some different stores while holding hands is a really relaxing thing. When we come to the coffee shop I pull Cal immediately to the ordering desk. „Hello! My name is Mary what can I get for you today?" a lively young girl asks extra excited. „A medium hot cocoa, one medium cappuccino and 4 scones please!" I order without looking at the ordering sheets nor Cal, knowing fully well he always gets a cappuccino when we come here. Within 3 minutes we have our hot beverages and sweets. Taking them with us we sat in the front of the shop. We enjoy our time together, laugh and just try to savor as much time of it as possible. It sadly doesn't take long before my phone disrupted our little bubble. Looking at the caller id, i show Cal. It's exactly 2 hours and 15 minutes after I blocked their system and now Hetty is calling. Cal smiles at me and hands over his last scone as my price for winning our little bet. Picking up the phone i clearly hear Nell and Erik in the background arguing how to solve the problem at their hands. „How may i help you Hetty?" i ask her innocently while Cal can't help himself from laughing out loud. „Well Ms. Gibbs, as you may know we have a pretty special problem at our ops computer." she starts to explain slowly while my smirk gets bigger and bigger. „Is that so?" I ask her, still playing the innocent card. „It is. And I presume that it is my fault since I tried to get some information which weren't meant for my eyes it seems. For that I want to apologize Ms. Gibbs and I promise it won't happen again!" she sounds honest. „Well if it won't happen again, then there won't be any more problems in the future! I'm happy that we could come to an understanding Hetty!" I say before hanging up. Making sure the servers are working again right after. When that was done I happily take Cal's last scone and take a huge bite. „I really love those scones!" I tell him smiling brightly. He just gives me a kiss and shakes his head again at me. „I'm proud of you! You told her you blocked the NCIS server without saying it! That's very smart of you!" when my phone starts ringing again I look at it confused. „Hey dad! Is everything ok? You normally never call when you are still at work!" hearing his chuckle I think I may know why he calls. „Do you know by any chance something about someone hacking the NCIS server? It suddenly stopped working and just now started to work like nothing was wrong in the first place! And the funniest part of it is that McGee told me it happens right after someone tried to look into any of your informations. So you know something i should?" he asks trying to sound strict but I can clearly hear his amusement. „You know, i guess someone just needed to learn something about sneaking around." I tell him smiling at Cal while I talk. „Good to know, good to know!! I'm calling you later when i'm at my place. Oh, Abby says hi and good work!" he says before hanging up. Smiling brightly at Cal. „I guess you have to go back to work!?" I ask even though I know the answer is yes. He apologetically smiles at me. „How about you come with me? I'm sure you would be helpful!" instantly shaking my head at that. I definitely won't go back to there base for the foreseeable future! „Hey, it's ok. If you want I can talk to Hetty about it! I don't want you to run away again because she tried to find out more about you and your times at the marine core." he tells me slightly frightened that I'm going to get home pack some stuff and disappear again. I won't lie that sounds really nice at the moment, but I can't leave him nor dad and Abby like that. Smiling softly at him „Don't worry Cal, I won't disappear! I promise! The next time I have to, i'm going to take you with me!" he looks unsure for a moment before cupping my head with his hands and kissing me softly. „Ok! But if you change your mind, just give me a call and I come with you! I can't lose you, not again and definitely not after what happened only a month ago!" he tells me, begging me with his eyes I do as he says. I kiss him one last time before standing up. „You should get going, they are waiting for you. Don't worry, i'm going to go home and start to prepare for dinner." hoping I could assure him that I won't run from him, I kiss him again and start to go in the opposite side as he has to go.
When I get back home my phone rings again, this time it's Abby. Fearful that something might have happened I pick up immediately. „Abby is something wrong?" I guess she heard the fearfulness and gets into big sister mode. „Everything is Fine, don't worry! I just wanted to make sure you aren't on the run again. Gibbs and I are worrying because the last time someone tried to get your background checked we lost you for nearly 6 months!! Please tell us that won't happen this time!?" she nearly beggs in the end. The tears already starting to spill out of my eyes by only thinking what the last time nearly happened. Back then I had to disappear! My family would of been in so much danger if I wouldn't of left. That doesn't mean it didn't hurt to leave them! Taking my silence for a bad omen I hear Abby handing the phone to someone else. „Liz? Are you really going to leave? If so, than i'm coming! I don't care where to but I won't lose my daughter again!" dad tells me worriedly but determined non the less. „Me to!" Abby says nearly inaudible quiet. Taking a deep breath before answering. „You don't need to worry guys! I admit I thought about it, but i'm not going anywhere! Last time I knew it was someone dangerously, this time it was Hetty. It brought back really bad memories but I am not going to lose my family again! I already promised Cal that I would tell him if I would ever have to disappear again and I promise you guys the same!" I tell them slowly but honestly! Making sure they know that I mean what I said. Hearing their relieved breath relaxes me also a bit. After talking some more with them, I finally feel at ease again. Just as I went to the kitchen the door flies open. I instantly get in high alert only to relax again when I hear Cal shouting my name. Not answering but instead going to him, I hug him from behind. Feeling him tens up for a second before he lets go of the tension. „You are still here." he says relieved. Looking irritated at him „what do you mean still here? I told you I won't leave again. I promised!" softly caressing his cheek. „I know, still i was scared that you would change your mind" He shamefully whispers while pulling me even closer to him. „I told Hetty to never ever try to do that again! Told her that there is a good reason why you don't take that lightly! He whispers in my ear before he slowly pulls his head up from between my head and shoulder. „And I told her that if you are leaving because of her I would never ever forgive her for it." he says while looking in my eyes as if searching for something. Pulling him to the couch I cuddle up against him as close as possible before falling asleep. Finally feeling safe after that eventful day.

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