Flying away

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Callen's pov.
Waiking up with Liz still curled up to me is the best feeling there is on this earth. Seeing her completely relaxed face, she looks even younger than she normally does. It breaks my heart that she is still holding onto me like i'm her lifeline because I know that means she is still scared about what happened with Hetty yesterday. Hopefully she understands what I told her yesterday before leaving earlier to go home. I was so relieved when Liz was still there and didn't run of to I don't now where! Pulling her even closer to me, if that is even possible, breathing in her relaxing scent. Pulling out my phone I wrote Sam to tell the team that i'm taking some time off before I softly kiss Liz forehead and close my eyes again.
The next time I open my eyes it's to the amazing smell of pancakes, bacon and coffee. Slowly standing up from the couch and making my way to the kitchen where I hear Liz still frying up some bacon. „Good morning Love!" i softly whisper in her ear and hug her tightly to me. „Good Morning to you to sleepyhead." she answers softly before kissing me for a second. Not wanting to let her go just jet I tightened my hold on her, making her look at me questioning. „Just want to hold you." I murmur still kinda sleepy to be honest. Her soft smile looks just so stunning it is unbelievable! „I need to get the bacon out of the pan hun, after i'm all yours again. Why don't you go in the bathroom while I finish up our breakfast?" her hand tenderly strokes my cheek. Nodding slowly, I kiss her once more before heading of to the bathroom. Just as i'm coming out of the bathroom Liz puts the plates infront of our coffees. Kissing her in thanks we sit down and start eating while talking about all and nothing. Not long after we started with our breakfast there was a knock on our door. Looking confused to one another I stand up to open it, gun in hand just to be safe. Seeing who it is I put my gun back in my back and open the door. „what do you need?" i ask a bit cold but i'm still angry that because of her nosiness I nearly lost Liz again. „Good morning to you to Mr. Callen. I'm here to talk to your fiancée if that is possible?" she says matter of factly. „Why? So you can try and make her run off again!" I seethed at her. Not caring that she is my boss, but I know that if I wouldn't of been with Liz at her spying happened she would of run away. I'm sure of that and so is her dad. He called me after he had talked to her and asked me to stay near her as to not letting her run away. Hetty looks shamefully to the floor before she guiltily looks back up. „I know that was wrong of me and it won't happen again! But I would like to personally apologize to Ms. Gibbs if that would be ok by you and her." she says honestly. Sighing I slowly open the door a bit wider so she can come in. Liz is still sitting at the table eating her pancakes when we walk over to her. „I don't need an apology! What i need is someone i can trust to never do something like this!" she says without looking up from her plate. „That i understand now Ms. Gibbs. And even if you don't want to hear it, I'm still sorry about yesterday's incident. I wasn't aware of how important it is to your safe keeping! I really hope you can accept my apology and I can become someone you could trust." Liz finally looked up from her plate, seeing her scared and unsure look I immediately go over to her to hug her. Making sure she knows that she is not alone and that I always be here to protect her and keep her safe! Hetty looked on guiltily it seems like she also saw the scared look in Liz's eyes. She slowly walks closer and I feel Liz stiffen in my arms in I guess fear. Hetty suddenly stops as if sensing Liz uneasiness towards her. „I would never hurt you Ms. Gibbs! You need to believe me about that. I understand that I have to work on getting you to trust me but till then, know that I would never hurt or betray you, to me you are family now!" she tells her quietly before leaving.
Waiting till the door closes again before lifting Liz head a bit. How about we go for a vacation? We could go to Hawaii or wherever, maybe even take a small test run for our honeymoon I ask cheekily. Not being able to stifl a small laugh I know I said the right thing. I hate seeing her this upset so I'm going to do whatever is necessary to keep a smile on her face! After announcing that I indeed am serious about what I said I tell her to go and pack some clothes while I call her dad and book us a hotel room. Making sure it's somewhere secluded to have some privacy.
Taking out my phone to tell Gibbs what our plans are, otherwise he is going to go nuts. „Hey Gibbs! I just wanted to tell you that Liz and I are going on a small vacation. After yesterday I think it's a good idea to get her away from everything for a few days." I tell him hurriedly before he can interrupt me. „Hey G! That sounds like a good idea! Just keep me up to date about what's going on ok?" he asks sounding relieved about me taking her away from here. „Of course dad! I promise to bring her back home safe and sound by next week." hearing his relieved sigh about that makes me smile. Those two really can't live without each other, not without going crazy with worry. „That's Good to know son! Have fun and stay safe!" putting the phone back in my pocket after saying our good bys. Texting Sam telling him that I take Liz for a small vacation and to take care of the team, his family and himself.
Putting the now clean plates and utensils away and walk to our bedroom to get my things ready. Seeing Liz putting some of my shirts in the small suitcase makes me smile at her in thanks. Within the next hour we sat in the next plane to Hawaii.

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