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Callen's pov:
After one incredible week in Hawaii and one fun filled week at Gibbs house, I finally get back to work. Knowing Liz is going to meet up with her publisher for her new book, later today. That gives me enough time to get my wedding suit. Smiling at that thought!
„G! Your here!! Welcome back man!" sam came over and hugged me. „Hey Sam, can I ask a favor of you?" I ask nervously, I don't know if he would want to come with me to get my suit but Gibbs said I should go with Sam. He thought that would be a good way of asking him to be my groomsman. After all he is like my brother. Pulling abruptly back from me he looks me straight in the eyes like he try's to look in my soul. „What do you need? You are worrying me G!" he says worriedly. Seeing everybody watching us I point to the gym. With a quick nod we head to the gym, closing and locking the door. „What is going on G? I have never seen you this worried!" shaking my head, ok, I can do that! „Would you, would you! You know what that was a bad idea!" turning to head back out to the office. Damn, I can't believe I chickened out! „G!! Wait! What is the matter?" sam asks while pushing me against the door. Not looking at him, trying to figure out how to ask him. After a minute or two I nod to myself. „What are you doing today after work?" i ask him still not looking at him. „I don't have any plans. Why?" ok, so far so good! I can do that! „Would you. Damn it!" I say angry at myself! „Liz is out till about 7pm and I need to find my wedding suit, I could use some help." I say looking at him for the first time. Slowly a smile spreads on his face! „Are you asking me what i think you are asking?" he asks happily. Just nodding in answer. He launched himself into my arms! „I thought you would never ask! Of course i'm coming with you, that is what a groomsman is there for!" finally relaxing after his positive answer, hugging him back! „God G I thought something happened! I thought you need some help to get ride of a body!" sam tells me while still hugging me closely. Laughing at him! „Don't worry, I won't need any help with that!" both laughing at that we get back to our desks where everyone looks skeptical at us. To happy to care right now, I send Gibbs a quick text, telling him that Sam agreed. Suddenly Hetty appears out of no where. „Mr. Cullen it's good to have you back at work. Would you come to my office for a moment." following right after her I tell the team to stay back as I see them following us. Taking a seat opposite her desk, waiting for whatever is coming next. She handed me a cup of tea before she takes her seat. „How was your holiday Mr. Callen? I hope the two of you got to relax while you were gone!" Taking a sip of the tea while thinking about how to answer her. „It was really nice Hetty. Thank you for asking, but i'm pretty sure that isn't what you wanted to know." nodding along with her head while I talk. The both of us knowing that I'm right, so I stay quiet till she says what she wants to so I can go back to my team. „I want to talk to you about your fiancée." trying to interrupt her, angry that she is going to start again with her spying on Liz. She just holds her hand up before going on. „I want to know if you think it would be a good idea to ask her to join our team? She would work at ops if she wants to take the job. I already heard about FBI, CSI, DEA and also from secret service that they want to offer her a job. So the choice is all hers. I would really like for her to work within this team but since she doesn't trusts me, which is indeed my fault, I wanted to ask you if it would be a good idea to even ask her." what!? So all agencies try to get Liz to work for them!? But why after all those years? That doesn't make any sense!! Not being able to stay in my seat, I stand up and went up and down her office while trying to get this into my head. „Why now?" is the only question I ask Hetty. She just motions to my former chair. Slowly making my way back there and let myself fall back in it. „As of what i heard of, every agency in this land has tried to find her for the last years. When the kidnapping happened word got around that she is in LA. Don't look at me like that, I have nothing to do with this! Owen informed me about it just a few minutes ago!" ok, did Liz knew about that? No, she would of told me! Slowly nodding my head at the information I just received. „How do they know it's her? You have read her file, she used her former surname. She just took Gibbs name after she has left the NAVY for exact that reason!" I tell her slowly, still not being able to wrap my head around that. „I know that Mr. Callen but it looks like someone figured it out after they couldn't find her for that long." Hetty says apologetically. „Ok, i'm going to talk to her later about it!" standig up I make my way up to the ops since we got a case.
When we finally could close the case Sam puts me aside for a moment. He wants to make sure i'm alright or if I want to reschedule our suit hunting. Smiling at him I shake my head and tell him that we are going to get the best wedding suit out there today! Thinking about my wedding with Liz let's me forget about the agencies, who cares if she takes one of the offers or not. The only thing important is that we stay together and maybe start on building our own family! Yeah that thought definitely is a good one!!!
It took Sam and me nearly 2 and a half hours to find a suit that we both really liked but it was worth it! I just hope Liz is going to like that one just as much as Sam and I do!
Sam drove me home and promised to not tell anyone how both our suits are looking like. He even said he won't tell Michelle anything about it except the color so she could get a matching dress. Hugging him once more and thanking him for the help before I get into my house.
Hearing Liz calling my name irritates me since she said she won't be back before 7pm and now it's only 6pm. Calling back to her i see she must of come back home a minute ago since she is still wearing her shoes. Running to me she instantly jumps into my open arms. Kissing her softly on the lips I set her down but not letting her go. We just stand in the middle of our living room holding each other. I wish we could of stay like that forever but when her stomach grumbles I let her go. „Do you want to order in?" I ask her while brushing some hair out of her face. „Can we order some Chinese food?" she looks hopefully up at me. Not answering her but instead take my Handy to order our usual food from her favorite Chinese place. Seeing her smile happily at me puts an even bigger one on my face. Pulling her face closer to me I kiss her again, this time a bit more passionate than the last one. Just when I want to take that to our bedroom there is a knock on the door. Kissing her once again before I open the door to get our food. When I turn back around Liz has already set the table.
I really don't want to ruin our nice dinner but I need to know if she knows about the agency's who are trying to recruit her. So I just tell her about what Hetty has told me and ask her if she knew anything about it. Her shocked face already tells me my answer, which lets me relax a bit knowing that she didn't kept something this big from me. We talked some more about it, her even telling me that she helped out in all agencies while being in the NAVY. She doesn't believe that they want to offer her a job, because if they would of wanted they would of done it then. Instead she assumes that they need her help again for one of their cases or something like that. Asking her about what she would say about joining my team seems to surprise her. And when I finally tell her about Hetty wanting her on the team she looks even more surprised. Not wanting her to interpret to much in all of this, I put my hand on hers. „Don't worry about it, you can think about it whenever, but right now is not the time!" I seductively whisper into her ear before starting to kiss her again. It doesn't take us longer than 2 minutes before we are closing our bedroom door.

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