Author's Note

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Hello readers! The day has come, Aligning the Forgotten's first chapter will be published soon! Thank you for sticking around through the first two books of the series, it means a lot to me. I have little to say about this, other than explaining how this third book will work.

There are so many moving parts in this book. Due to what happened at the end of Bridging the Ancient, there are different pieces to the puzzle that need to connect. Because of that, not only will you be receiving Roux's perspective on things, but you'll also be receiving the chance to discover what happens with other characters, too.

Roux's chapters will be the same as the first two books, but the other chapters, those dedicated to other characters, will be in third person. 

I really hope you enjoy Aligning the Forgotten; it was definitely a fun book for me to write and I hope you love reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Again, thank you for reading! I want to dedicate this chapter to so many of my loyal readers that have stuck around throughout the first and second book. It really means a lot to me and I can't ask for anything else other than your continuous support. The Grounding the Storm series holds a special place in my heart because it's the first piece of work I've shared with the world. To receive such wonderful comments on it is so exciting, and I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of this series. 

Read on to the next part for the first chapter! 

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