Chapter 51: Roux

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No matter what I do, I can't get the memories out of my head. They fly in, one after the other, and I can't stop them. They're not the memories I've grown used to, or even the ones I've clung onto for so many months. These are different, they show Renit—smiling at me. A fluffy happiness comes along with that smile.

But I ignore it. I scream into my teeth and lunge for him. The king's power will continue to rule over all, even if my memories are deciding to go against me, I will listen to the one true leader I've had all along.

Renit is too quick for me to get a hold on. Every time I swipe at him with a blade, he dodges out of the way or strikes with his sword to keep me from advancing farther than my body will allow. I can't attack with my arms or legs, I try, only to either fall on my ass or get knocked back by a blow of his own.

He's not scared to fight me. Everyone else...they're been absolutely terrified. Renit is taking this like it's another training session he's been forced to endure by his father. After seventeen years living in Lona, trained by assassins, this is nothing in comparison to what he's gone through.

The memory of that conversation comes back, and his silver eyes are bright against the dullness of the Oxpea Mountains.

"Listen to the Grounding." Renit's voice cuts through the memory. "I was blind to your pain, Roux, I was. But I'm willing to change that and show you I care."

I open my eyes, clearing my vision to find him standing there. Like a shifting tide in the ocean, my hate isn't as strong as it once was. I feel myself faltering, like a candle flickering out in the wind, and I grip tight onto any bit of insanity I have left.

This time, the knife I throw is one he can't get out of the way of. Not only is it the fastest blade I throw, but it's also the last I carry with him. The blade slams into his shoulder and sinks deep, and Renit stumbles back, gripping onto the handle. His back slams against the stone wall of the throne room and I bring myself to stand on shaking knees.

All of this, from the memories, to the fight, everything—it's too much.

To my surprise, Renit doesn't waste any time ripping the knife from his shoulder. Blood sprays onto the marble floor, and he tosses the blade aside, clenching down on his jaw in pain. Slowly, one by one, I'll tear him apart. Whether it be through small cuts, or completely ripping out his heart, I'll find a way.

The banished prince will not make me believe something as faulty as what the Grounding is providing me with. My power is what I've clung onto for so long, yet Renit has intruded it to include his own—a fault with the Grounding. His storm behaved out of control and likely ruined my own. I can't allow that to happen again.

If Renit dies, the Grounding goes, too. That gives me even more desperation to end his life. My entire body is sore, but I force myself to advance towards him. My back stings from slamming against the marble, my wrists ache from where he gripped so tight. My mind aches from having to decipher what I want to believe and what I don't.

All the while, the king's presence looms over me. He watches with such a predatory intent that I wonder why he hasn't jumped down from the mezzanine and aided me in killing his son. Maybe towards the end, when I've had my way with the banished prince, I'll give the king the courtesy of a blade so he can carve out Renit's heart.

I will strength into my bones, and with the only shortsword I have left, the other discarded outside my vision, I swing it back and forth. The wind catches on it, and Renit can hardly keep up. He walks back, away from the wall, dodging left and right with every attempt I make. He seems to know my attacks before I do, leaps out of the way before I've thrust the sword forward.

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