Chapter 45: Renit

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"They're here."

Renit looks up from where he'd been sharpening his sword with a whetstone, losing his sanity to the repeated scrape over the blade, to meet Bren's eye. A wild fear mixed with fire fills his eyes, tightening the features on his face, and Renit knows the witch standing before him isn't lying.

After so many days waiting, the king has arrived back at home. No one knows of his company, but word has already spread that the king made it back from battle without a scratch on him. That's nothing to say for who went with him, fellow soldiers taken under by the potion, or Roux herself. Renit's heart leaps into his chest and he sheaths his sword at his hip, throwing a cloak over his head to conceal his features, and is out the door in a second—bounding down the stairs with Bren leading the way.

The streets of the slums stock with citizens that hardly show their faces, especially around the king. But no one would miss the opportunity to watch their leader arrive home. As Renit breaks out onto the street, sunlight basking across his features, he listens to the quiet muttering from those citizens of the slums and sinks into the shadows of an alleyway with Bren standing at his side.

Somewhere in the crowd, Tesha and Alaric are surveying the arrival, as well. It had taken nearly three days, but the sniper returned and asked for payment for her services if they were to get Roux out instead of killing the king. A large sum of gold coins once this was all over—provided by the banished prince or Alaric himself. Whoever the hell can give me what I deserve—her exact words.

The citizens move off to the side of the street to clear the way for whoever is approaching around the corner. As his sight is impaired, Renit focuses on everything else. Sound, mostly. And the smell of ground wafting over to him in recognition, or his power flipping out of control at the sight of being so close to Roux again.

His heart races in his chest. Part of him is preparing to release a sigh of relief upon seeing her—the other half is prepared to draw his shoulders inward and find a way to move on with his life. Just as he decides which part of him will win, he hears chains. Lots of chains.

They clank together, one after the other, and drag along the rubble of stone streets in the slums. Although this is a shortcut to the castle, the king desires to make a statement by coming through here. He's alerting his citizens that a shock wave is coming, one they'll be a part of if they're not careful, and no lives—not even the lowest—will be spared.

At his side, Bren shifts nervously. "You're breathing too loud," Renit growls underneath his breath.

"Shut the hell up," the witch of flame snaps. They don't bother sharing a glance, as it's not time to beat the crap out of each other—not yet.

Their friendship is still cold, being around each other is as difficult as behaving friendly towards an enemy. In their plan, they have to be on the same side, but once all this is over, Renit will go back to behaving coldly towards at least one person in his life. That proves to be Bren; they've bickered over everything from plans to get inside the castle to who will be at Roux's side the most when they get her out.

Only one thing keeps them together, the one thing they have in common. There is no other option than getting Roux out. They will not leave her there under any circumstances, and if she hates them both, that's something they'll come to terms with.

The clomping of hooves comes closer, so near Renit can hear the pounding in his skull, and he tightens his hands into fists. His heart is not prepared to let go, and as that first horse comes into view, carrying his father sitting tall and proud on his back, part of his heart sinks in his chest. It's racing so fast, the next few moments are dizzying.

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