➰ Where am I?

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Aurora P.O.V

Falling. That is what I was still doing, the sky had become dark ages ago but I was still trying to stop myself from falling and losing consciousness. When suddenly I hit something hard and fell off onto the floor with a thud. Groaning I tired to push myself up only to be hit with excruciating pain up my left side, "great just great, my arm is fricking broken." I said slumping down. Feeling around with my good arm I realised I didn't have my stele on me 'great can this get any worse' I thought, looking around I didn't recognise where I was and that I was alone "JULIAN!" I yelled out and waited for an answer "JULIAN, WHERE ARE YOU?" I yelled again only to be met with silence. With a sigh I used the large object that I recognised as a rubbish bin and pulled myself up, grunting, I held my left arm to try to ease the throbbing and made my way out onto the streets.

Keeping in the shadows as I didn't want to attract any attention to my blood soaked self, I tried to figure out where and when I was. Looking around I spotted a stand selling newspapers 'that's unusual, people hardly read the newspaper' I thought and I slowly made my way over. Sneaking behind the stand I quickly stole a paper and ran before I could get seen, stopping about 10 minutes later I looked at the newspaper for any indication of where I am. My breath hitched when I spotted it, in the top left corner was and date and place only it didn't read my time or place but 'August 7th, 1903; London, England'. "Oh, bloody hell" I exclaimed "what the hell did that demon do? and where the hell is Julian?", throwing the newspaper down I winced in pain and noticed just how bad of a shape I am really in. 'If I don't heal soon I'm pass out from blood loss or worse' I thought making my way down some random backroad into the darkness.

Anachronism ~ Shadowhunters ~ James Herondale (Rewriting in progress)Where stories live. Discover now