Jungkook is bait

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"THIS IS WHERE YOU WORK?!" Jungkook gasps looking around like a lemur.

"There are computers and big ass digital screens projecting some kind of.... something EVERYWHERE!!" Taehyung joins in Jungkook's excitement.

"Now follow me into my cabin, we have to finish our work as quickly as possible" Yoongi hastily moves towards the corner of the room and opens a tall wooden door.

"This is where I do all of my work, you can take a seat here" He places three chairs in front of a vast blue screen.

"I'll be doing my research here and will project everything over there, pay attention and tell me everything you see as suspicious or something that can be used against Jimin"
Yoongi types on his computer for a few minutes and immediately multiple images are shown on the blue screen.

"Woah look at all that tech" Jungkook is amused.

"No, look at those pictures first" Hobi glares at Jungkook, "I'm starting to think that you are An ally"

"You called me a TRAITOR?! Indirectly?!" Jungkook stands up from his chair trying to prove a point but seeing that no one is paying attention to him he quietly sits back down.

The images open up one by one and nothing seems to be strange by far. All of them are Jimin's photo shoots for his company or a few pictures of his car from his phone.

"Isn't it weird? All he has is his car pics or himself for a photo shoot, not even a selfie or anything. Atleast take a picture of what you EAT!!" Taehyung expresses his feelings, and regrets being friends with someone as plain and dry as Jimin.

"Hold on, this is just the first layer" Yoongi continues to smack his fingers against the keyboard.

"First layer? What does that mean?" Hobi questions.

"Let me explain. There are different layers of security in your electronic devices. For example, these photos were got from me hacking the first layer of security which is the least protected and prone to hacking. I can easily access the first layer information, but when it comes to the next level of layers it gets tougher to break through and is risky as we might even get caught, but if done with the right amount of skill and precaution I'm sure we will win"

"To tell you the truth I'm scared" Jungkook frowns.

"We know"

"I found something you might want to see" Yoongi announces, "it'll be on the screen now"

They all look at the screen and see a random bunch of pictures.

"These are just some pictures of.... a room.... an alleyway.... a house... and what's that? A bathroom?!" Taehyung is confused.

"Why would he take such bad pictures, I can do better" Jungkook places his finger on the chin and examines the pictures.

"Shut Up Jungkook this is not about photography!"

"These are taken on the respective dates and the location....seems to be unclear at the moment" Yoongi clicks on his keyboard and immediately the dates along with the time appear on the pictures.

"This picture was taken in the morning!" Hobi points at the picture of an alleyway.

"That time in the morning we were meeting at the cafe" Taehyung makes sure they know.

"I got the location!!" Yoongi presses enter in the keyboard and they see the location beside the photographs.

"What if these are the pictures he takes when he murders someone?!" Jungkook opens his wide eyes wider, "I'm just saying it might be the places where he murdered all of them"

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