Baby, Seasons Change But People Don't

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Not much is known about this deity. Pfft, I mean, not much is known about a lot of deities in Philippine Mythology, but yeah let's keep this shit going.

His name is Mapulon, the god of seasons. He's mentioned before so might as well get to know him. He's also terribly kind to the human race. Sometimes he's associated to good health and medicine, but we've got a separate god for that. This was because when the ancient Tagalogs prayed to him when they were ill, medicinal herbs began to grow for them. Consequently, his emblem became medicinal herbs too. Maybe that or the god of medicine was just eavesdropping on his prayers.

We also know that he's madly in love with Ikapati and have a daughter. They say that Ikapati wasn't interested in Mapulon at all, but he finally won her over with his kind heart. He fell for her because of her deep understanding for humankind despite of our mistakes. Straight out of a romance novel. This is also why before, maybe even until now, Filipino men were taught to tirelessly pursue the women they really love from the bottom of their hearts and win them over with good deeds.

Not much is said about Mapulon being the god of seasons, though. But he's officially that. Weird.

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