Surprisingly Not Evil Satan

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Now, we move on to the next part, the majorn deities of the underworld. HOORAY!

Let me start of with a myth before proceeding to introduce the god of this chapter.

So Bathala and his adversary, Sitan, fight over who gets to rule what and which anito goes where. It ended with Bathala ruling Kalauwalhatian (where the good spirits go), Sitan ruling Kasamaan (where evil spirits go), and they both rule Maca (ma-ka), where both go, which is somehow like Purgatory.

Sitan (see-tan), our main character for now goes by a lot of titles. Chief of the underworld, guardian of dead souls, keeper of evil spirits. Is he the god of death? Well, not so entirely. He's commonly associated to Satan, but I prefer Hades, as he never did much bad on humankind. I mean, Sitan came from the ancient people's addiction to vices and sin (now he has a resemblance to Satan). Plus, he has 4 agents he sent to cause death and destruction to mankind. Why? I don't know. I'm a bit disappointed how little knowledge there is about Sitan. Other than that and that his emblem is pitch black darkness, I didn't get much after thoroughly scouring the internet. (Sorry but there are no libraries near me and I can't afford to buy reference books and there isn't a free available pdf version of those books!)

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