Dude Who Gets Involved In A Lot

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Now, who we've all been waiting for. On the plus side, we're finally on the third generation gods.

Apolaki (a-po-la-kee), the god of the sun, wisdom, strategy, and warriors. Apparently, he's also a bit ill-tempered.


So in one myth, Bathala had two children, Mayari and Apolaki. And we can't forget that Bathala loved them both wholeheartedly. Time passed and Bathala passed away. Now, the two argued which of them will rule. It went a bit like this.

Apolaki: Me!
Mayari: No, me!
Apolaki: *louder* I said me!
Mayari: *even louder* ME!
Apolaki: *stands up and yells* ME!!
Mayari: *stands up even taller and screams* MEEE!!!

And they grabbed their weapons and fought for the throne. It gradually worsened to the point where Apolaki stabbed Mayari in the face and poked out her eye.

Mayari: *holding her face* Ouch, bitch! What the fuck?!

Apolaki: *frantic and panicky* Oh, shit, shit, shit, shit. *clutches Mayari's head* Ah, fuck! You're alright, you're alright! Please don't cry.

Mayari: *pushes him away* Fucking idiot! Damn...

Apolaki: *trying to fix things* Uh, Uhh. We could both rule right?

End scene. And there, they had to meet halfway. One versions goes like that and the other is that Mayari suggested they both rule in the first place, but Apolaki was greedy and fought for it instead. In the end, they still had to meet halfway.

This is a bit contradictory to the ancient Tagalog version where Mayari and Apolaki have no blood relation.

With that, Apolaki ruled during the day and Mayari, the night. It was also the reason behind the moon shining dimmer light. The sun had two working Apolaki eyes, while the moon had one working Mayari eye.

In an interview (just kidding), Mayari clarified that she didn't hate Apolaki despite what he did. I'd like to think of them as best friends (probably as close as siblings). Because 1) I associate Mayari with Artemis, and 2) I associate Apolaki with Apollo despite the Spaniards associating him with Ares.

It was also said that Apolaki is a bit of a social butterfly and is friends (and is probably admired) by a lot of people and deities. Mermaid and water nymphs (in the Philippines is "sirena" (see-reh-na)) worship him and sing him praises and hymns, just as Apollo has his nine muses.

If you've figured out that his emblem was the sun you're totally not wrong. Additionally, he was also said to have came down from Kaluwalhatian to scold the ancient Tagalogs for welcoming men with white teeth. For some background, the Filipinos had black teeth because it was the trend and it matched with their aesthetics. This enraged Apolaki when the Spaniards came.

Unpopular opinion: Mayari's relation with Apolaki is HELLA cute. Also, I think that both of them are drop dead gorgeous. Apolaki also probably takes a lot care of Mayari after that (and consequently Tala and Hanan too).

 Apolaki also probably takes a lot care of Mayari after that (and consequently Tala and Hanan too)

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