The Tagalog Pantheon

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Bathala (bat-ha-la), the supreme god; caretaker and creator of the universe; one of the five primordial gods.

Amanikable (a-ma-nee-ka-bleh), the god of hunters; was said to have replaced Aman Sinaya as the goddess of the sea.

Idiyanale (ee-dee-ya-na-leh), the goddess of animal husbandry, labour, good deeds, agriculture, and craftsmanship; wife to Dimangan; mother to Dumakulem and Anitun Tabu.

Dimangan (dee-ma-ngan) or Dumangan (doo-ma-ngan), the god of good harvest; associated with agriculture; husband to Idiyanale; father to Dumakulem and Anitun Tabu.

Ikapati (ee-ka-pa-tee), the goddess of cultivated lands; bringer of agriculture, fiertile fields, healthy flocks and herds, as well as food and prosperity; wife to Mapulon; mother to Anagolay.

Lakapati (la-ka-pa-tee), the hermaphrodite fertility goddess.

Mapulon (ma-poo-lon), the god of seasons; associated with good health and medicine; husband to Ikapati; father to Anagolay.

Mayari (ma-ya-ree), the goddess of the moon, as well as goddess of the night, war, revolution, strength, hunt, weapons, right to equal rule, and beauty; associated with medicine; most charming and beautiful diety in Kaluwalhatian; daughter of Bathala; older sister to Hanan and Tala

Hanan (ha-nan), the goddess of dawn and new beginnings or endings; daughter of Bathala; younger sister to Mayari and older sister to Tala.

Tala (ta-la), the goddess of stars and constellations; daughter of Bathala; younger sister to Mayari and Hanan.

Dumakulem (doo-ma-koo-lem), the guardian of mountains; associated with strength and hunting; wife to Anagolay; brother of Anitun Tabu.

Anitun Tabu (a-nee-toon ta-boo), the fickle-minded goddess of wind and rain; bringer of sunny showers and peace between two parties; sister of Dumakulem.

Anagolay (a-na-goh-lai), the goddess of lost things; daughter of Ikapati and Mapulon; wife to Dumakulem

Apolaki (a-po-la-kee), the god of the sun, wisdom, strategy, and warriors; son of Bathala.

Dian Masalanta (dee-yan ma-sa-lan-tah), the goddess of love, conception, childbirth, and protector of lovers; youngest diety in Kaluwalhatian; brother of Apolaki.

Sitan (see-tan), the chief of the underworld, guardian of the dead souls, keeper of the evil spirits; adversary of Bathala; ruler of Kasamaan.

Mangangaway (mang-ah-ah-wai), the agent of sickness; roams earth disguised as witch doctors or albularyo.

Mansisilat (man-see-see-lat), the breaker of homes, families, and relationships; adversary to Dian Masalanta; roams earth disguised as a witch doctor or a beggar.

Mangkukulam (mang-koo-koo-lam), the agent of Fire; adversary to Anitun Tabu; roams the earth disguised as a witch doctor.

Hukluban (hook-loo-ban), the most powerful agent of death; roams the earth disguised as anything or anyone.

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