Omitted From the Record

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Omitted From the Record

The Holy Sacellum was the crown jewel of the Quicksilver District. The crystal glass dome capping the largest part of the Sacellum glittered in the bright sunlight that had finally returned to Gwenael. Its beauty was visible even from the Royal Complex and it served as something like a beacon of hope and guidance to the people of the city.

The main building, the part that held the glittering dome, was hexagonal in shape and, surrounding it, was a maze-like series of halls, rooms, and small courtyards that was only navigable by the priests and acolytes that lived and trained within the holy building. To those who didn't spend all their time here, it was near impossible to know where to go.

There were living quarters for those same people, separate from the Sacellum itself, that were small, humble, and out of the way, leaving plenty of room for the large gardens that surrounded the Sacellum where nature was cultivated and curated in all its forms. Beautiful and scenic flower gardens, a deadly and forbidden garden filled with only poisonous plants, and a large garden that grew herbs that were medicinal in nature - which could be a combination of either two gardens. The gardens were, in a way, a tribute to the beautiful world that the Lord gave for them to live in and they celebrated what they perceived as both good and bad.

All paths in Quicksilver led to the heart of the Sacellum, with the square stones being laid so that they came to a point, like an upside down 'V', with the point always directing those who walked the path towards the large chapel. The paths within the Sacellum itself weren't so easy to navigate, but Ferrant need only follow the main path to the front of the main building.

He had been here before. He had come when he first arrived to offer prayers and thanks to the Lord, and he had returned twice since to offer up more prayers for safety and protection. He could, honestly, go to one of the churches within Silver to do it. It would have been an easier trip. However, it was said that the Sacellum was the seat of the Lord himself within Vasconia. Ferrant didn't know if it was true, but he'd rather hedge his bets and offer up his prayers as close as he could get them.

However, despite having been there before, the beauty and serenity of the main chamber never failed to take his breath away.

The doors were open, as always. They were only ever closed for storms and when the royal family had to come for an official visit, and even then, they were only locked for the latter. The Sacellum was a place where all of the Lord's worshipers could come and would be welcomed.

The main chamber itself was simple in design, but that didn't lessen, in any way, the marvelous sense of overpowering wonder. The glass dome overhead allowed in sunlight at almost any time of day. In the sunrise, which it was now, the light broke and refracted within the many triangular shaped panels that created the dome, allowing the pink and gold rays of the dawn to burst into rainbows that filtered down, spilling over the simple stone chamber below.

At the far end, a cross with upturned sides - like a trident without the pointed ends - had been erected and placed upon an altar. The cross itself was made of iron. Ferrant had been told that it was, in fact, made of the same iron batch that had created the foundations for the city plates. White candles burned all around it, their waxy and inoffensive scent filling the air.

Pews were arranged around the cross, curved so that, regardless of where you sat, you were always facing the center of the altar. At the moment, there were only a few people come to offer prayers. They had all chosen seats away from each other. A young couple had their heads bowed; both of their faces screwed up in concentration. An old man twisted his hat in his hands as tears leaked through his closed eyes. A woman heavy with child made an offering for a healthy birth.

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