That's Illegal

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Mary's POV
I was sitting in the car with Sammy while Dean hustled pool. I still have this stupid cast on but only for two more days just to make sure it healed. Dean walked out of the bar laughing and holding a wad of cash. "You know we could get day jobs once in a while." Sam said looking back at the newspaper. "Huntings our day job." Dean said. "Yeah and the pay's shit." I said. "Yeah, but hustling pool? Credit card scams? It's not the most honest thing in the world, Dean." Sam said. I rolled my eyes. "Well, let's see. Honest. Fun and easy. It's no contest. Besides, we're good at it. It's what we were raised to do." Dean said smirking. "How we were raised was jacked." I said. "Mae's right." Sam said. "Yeah, says you. We got a new gig or what?" Dean asked sitting down in the car. "Maybe. Oasis Plains, Oklahoma - not far from here. A gas company employee, Dustin Burwash, supposedly died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob." Sam said showing us it. "Huh?" Dean asked confused. "Explain what that is but in English this time?" I asked. "Human mad cow disease." Sam said. "Mad cow. Wasn't that on Oprah?" Dean asked. "You watch Oprah?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "So this guy eats a bad burger. Why is it our kind of thing?" Dean said changing the subject obviously embarrassed. "Mad cow disease causes massive brain degeneration. It takes months, even years, for the damage to appear. But this guy, Dustin? Sounds like his brain disintegrated in about an hour. Maybe less." I said remembering what I One time read at the library. "Okay, that's weird." Dean said now knowing this. "Yeah. Now, it could be a disease. Or it could be somethin' much nastier." Sam said. "All right. Oklahoma. Man. Work, work, work. No time to spend my money." Dean said. "Shut up and get a move on." I said to him. I had to stay in the car while Sam and Dean went to talk to a man named Travis. I just read my Tuck Everlasting book. Sam and Dean got back in. "Okay now to the crime scene." Dean and Sam drove there. We got passed police tape and looked down the hole. "Well, Sammy and I can't fit through." Dean said and looked at me. "Oh hell no." I said. "Please." Sam said looking at me. "Fine." I said. Dean tied a rope to me and Sam put a head light on me. Dean lowered and and I didn't see any tunnels just beetles. I inhaled dirt and went into a coughing fit. I pick one up and tugged the rope. I was pulled up and gave it to Sammy. "I'm never doing that again." I said to them glaring. "So you found some beetles. In a hole, in the ground. That's shocking, Mae." Dean said to me while Sam examined the beetle. "There were no tunnels, no tracks. No evidence of any other kind of creature down there." I said. "You know, some beetles do eat meat. Now, it's usually dead meat, but...." Sam said trailing off at the end. "Mae how many did you see down there?" Dean asked. "Ten or more." I said. "Well, we need more information on the area, the neighborhood. Whether something like this has ever happened before." Sam said. We were driving and got to an open house. "What?" Sam asked since we stopped. "I know a good place to start. I'm kinda hungry for a little barbeque, how 'bout you? What, we can't talk to the locals?" Dean asked reading the sign. "And the free food's got nothin' to do with it?" I asked. "Of course not. I'm a professional." Dean said. "Right." Sam said. We got out of the car and looked around. "Growin' up in a place like this would freak me out." Dean said looking around. I also felt kinda uncomfortable in a place that looked like something on tv. "Why?" Sam asked. "Well, manicured lawns, "How was your day, honey?" I'd blow my brains out." Dean said to us. "There's nothing wrong with "normal"." Sam said to Dean. "I'd take our family over normal any day." Dean said. "Plus normal is boring." I said. We knocked on the door. A man answered it. "Welcome." The man said. "Is this where the barque is?" Dean asked. "Yeah, not the best weather, but... I'm Larry Pike, the developer here. And you are... ?" Larry asked. "Dean. That's Sam and this is Mary." Dean said they shook hands. "Sam, Dean, and Mary good to meet you. So, you two are interested in Oasis Plains?" Larry asked Sam and Dean. "Yes, sir." Dean said. "Let me just say - we accept homeowners of any race, religion, color, or... sexual orientation." Larry said. I stifled a laugh since Larry thinks their gay and I'm their daughter. "We're siblings." Dean said. Larry looked embarrassed. "Our father is getting on in years, and we're just lookin' for a place for him." I said to him. "Great, great. Well, seniors are welcome, too. Come on in." Larry said. We walked in it looked nice and in the backyard. "You said you were the developer?" Sam asked. "Eighteen months ago, I was walking this valley with my survey team. There was nothing here but scrub brush and squirrels. And you know what, we built such a nice place to live that I actually bought into it myself. This is our house. We're the first family in Oasis Plains. This is my wife, Joanie." Larry said introducing his wife to us. "Hi there." Joanie said. "Hi." Dean said and shook her hand. "Hi, nice to meet you." Joanie said not knowing our names. "Sam, Dean, and Mary." Larry said. "Sam." Sam said shaking her hand. "Mary." I said shaking her hand. She nodded. "Tell them how much you love the place, honey. And lie if you have to because I need to sell some houses." Larry said making his wife laugh. "Right." Joanie said smiling. "Will you three excuse me?" Larry said leaving. "Don't let his salesman routine scare you. This really is a great place to live." Joanie said. A very energetic woman came up to us. If she was anymore energetic it would be the energizer bunny. "Hi, I'm Lynda Bloome, head of sales." Lynda introduces herself. "And Lynda was second to move in. She's a very noisy neighbor, though." Joanie said and left. "She's kidding, of course. I take it you two are interested in becoming homeowners." Lynda said to Sam and Dean. "Well...." Dean said. "Y-yeah, well...." Sam said. "Well, let me just say that we accept homeowners of any race, religion, color, or... sexual orientation." Lynda said thinking Sam and Dean are a gay couple and I'm their daughter again. "Right. Um... I'm gonna go talk to Larry. Okay, honey and sweetie?" Dean asked us. "Okay." I said smiling. Dean walked away smacking Sam on the ass. Lynda and Sam share an awkward silence I just rocked back and forth on my feet awkwardly. "We have a great school district." Lynda said to us. "I'm homeschooled miss." I said. "Oh well, who can say "no" to a steam shower? I use mine everyday." Lynda said. Okay, a steam shower does sound amazing. "Sounds great." Sam said not interested. I looked and saw a tarantula crawling out of boy's hand. "I'm going to look around." I said to Sam. "Okay Mae." He said. I walked over and got the tarantula and walked over to the boy. "This yours?" I asked him handing it to him. "You gonna tell my dad or your dad?" He asked me. "I don't know. Who's your dad, and that's not my dad that's my older brother." I said to him. "Yeah, Larry usually skips me in the family introductions." He said. "Ouch. First name basis with the old man - sounds pretty grim." I said. "Well, I'm not exactly brochure material." He said. "What's your name?" I asked curious. "Matt you?" He asked. "Mary." I said. "What happened to your hand?" Matt asked noticing my broken hand. "Well, I could say I got in a fight." I said. "You don't look like the type to fight." Matt said. "Okay true I broke it falling down the stairs at my house." I said. "Clumsy?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. "Matthew. I am so sorry about my son and his... pet." Larry said as him, Sam, and Dean walked over to us. "It's cool at least someone is near my age." I said. "Excuse us." Larry said walking away and pulling Matt away. "He reminds me of you Sammy." I said. "How?" Sam asked. "You and Dad never saw eye to eye." I said to them. "Dad never treated us like that." Dean said to us. "Well, Dad never treated you two like that. You two were perfect. He was all over my case. You don't remember?" Sam asked. I nodded remembering the screaming matches in a motel or in the impala. "Well, maybe he had to raise his voice, but sometimes, you were out of line." Dean said. "Like when Sam suggested I go to public school?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Or, like when I said I'd rather play soccer than learn bowhunting." Sam said. "Bowhunting's an important skill." Dean said. "Whatever. How was your tour?" Sam asked. "Oh, it was excellent. I'm ready to buy. So you might be onto somethin'. Looks like Dustin Burwash wasn't the first strange death around here." Dean said. "What happened?" Sam and I asked. "About a year ago, before they broke ground, one of Larry's surveyors dropped dead while on the job. Get this severe allergic reaction to bee stings." Dean said. "More bugs." I said. Dean nodded. We were now in the impala Sam driving for once and Dean reading Dad's journal. "You know, I've heard of killer bees, but killer beetles? What is it that could make different bugs attack?" Dean asked. "Maybe there revolting?" I asked smirking. "Well, hauntings sometimes include bug manifestations." Sam said ignoring my comment. "Yeah, but I didn't see any evidence of ghost activity." Dean said. "Yeah, me neither. Mae?" Sam asked. "None, sorry." I said. "Maybe they're being controlled somehow. You know, by something or someone." Dean said. "You mean, like Willard?" Sam asked. "Yeah, bugs instead of rats." Dean said. "There are cases of psychic connections between people and animals - elementals, telepaths." I said. "Yeah, that whole Timmy-Lassie thing. Larry's kid - he's got bugs for pets." Dean said. "Matt?" I asked confused Matt seemed pretty normal and nice. "He did try to scare the realtor with a tarantula." Sam said. "He's also nice." I said. "Ooh, hey. Pull over here." Dean said pointing to an empty house. "What are we doing here?" Sam asked pulling in the driveway. "It's too late to talk to anybody else." Dean said. "We're gonna squat in an empty house?" Sam asked. "One that's illegal and two you just want to try out the steam shower." I said. "Mae's right. Come on." Dean said. Sam pulled in the garage. We got in. "May why don't you try it first." Dean said letting me shower. I showered loving the steam power on it. I changed in pajamas.

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