I'm Adorable

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Mary's POV
We were looking for a case I got on my phone and texted Ricky.
Ricky:So I'm not a clown for entertainment.
Mary:I know how's Kara?
Ricky:Good her and Ko are hanging out.
I got off my phone. "Well dudes. Not a decent lead in all of Nebraska. What've you got?" Dean asked Sam knowing I was texting either Kara or Ricky. "Well, I've been scanning Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota. Here. A woman in Iowa fell 10,000 feet from an airplane and survived." Sam said. "Sounds more like 'That's Incredible' than, uh, Twilight Zone." I said. "Mae's right." Dean said. "Yeah." Sam said rethinking it. "Hey you know we could just keep heading east. New York. Upstate. We could drop by and see Sarah again. Huh?" Dean said smirking. "Yeah last time I saw her I was beaten up by a ghost girl." I said. "Plus, you two seemed pretty friendly. What do you say?" Dean asked proposing the idea. "Yeah, I dunno, maybe someday. But in the meantime we got a lot of work to do Dean, and you know that." Sam said. "Yeah all right." Dean said. "What else you got?" I asked wanting to hunt, since I don't want to do math and science workbook. "Ahh, man in Colorado, local man named Daniel Elkins, was found mauled in his home." Sam says. Wait I swear I've heard the name Elkins before. "Elkins? I know that name." I said thinking maybe dad mentioned it before. "Doesn't ring a bell." Sam said. "Elkins...Elkins...Elkins." I said under my breath thinking. "Sounds like the police don't know what to think. At first they said it was some sort of bear attack and now, they've found some signs of robbery." Sam said. I started flickering through dad's journal Dean with me. "Mm-hmm. There, check it out." I said showing them. "D Elkins 970-555-0158." Dean read. "You think it's the same Elkins?" Sam asked. "It's a Colorado area code." I said. We drove to Colorado. We got to the house at night and walked up. "Mae pick the lock no more kicking in doors." Sam said. I nodded and started picking the lock. I got it and we walked in with flashlights to look around. "Looks like the maid didn't come today." Dean joked seeing the place a reck. "Hey, there's salt over here. Right beside the door." I said noticing salt lines Sam came over. "You mean protection against demon salt, or 'oops I spilled the popcorn' salt." Dean said flickering through Elkins journal. "It's clearly a ring. You think this guy Elkins was a player?" Sam said looking at the salt ring with me. "Definitely." Dean said looking at the journal I walked over to look. "That looks a hell of a lot like Dad's." I said just reading one page. "Yep, except this dates back to the 60s." Dean said. I looked amazed. Dean walked away. I grabbed it and put it in my backpack so I could read it. We moved to another room. "Whatever attacked him, it looks like there was more than one." Sam said. "Looks like he put up a hell of a fight too." Dean said. "Yeah." I said looking at the stuff. I saw something on the floor. I crouched down looking. "You got something?" Sam asked. "I dunno. Some scratches on the floor." I said. "Death throes maybe?" Dean said crouching down to get a better look. "Yeah, maybe." I said. Dean got a piece of notebook paper and a pencil and gets an outline of it. "Or maybe a message." Dean said and I looked at it. I saw it was three layers and six digits, it reminded me of coordinates Dad would send us for hunting. "Look familiar?" I asked Sam showing him. "Three letters, six digits. The location and combination of a post office box. It's a mail drop." Sam said. "Just the way Dad does it." Dean and I said in unison. We got to the post office and Dean got the thing Elkins had there. Dean got in and showed us a envelope. "'J.W.' You think? John Winchester?" I asked seeing it. "I don't know. Should we open it?" Sam asked. There was a knock on the door scaring the crap out of me and grabbed my dagger from my boot. "Dad?" Dean asked. Dad got in the backseat looked at the dagger. "Nice reflexes Mae." Dad said chuckling. "Yeah be glad I didn't go right to stabbing." I said putting it back in my boot. "Dad, what are you doing here? Are you all right?" Sam asked. "Yeah, I'm ok. I read the news about Daniel, I got here as fast as I could. I saw you three at his place." Dad said to us not being shocked we found this case. "Why didn't you come in Dad?" I asked softly. "You know why. Because I had to make sure you weren't followed.... by anyone or anything. Nice job of covering your tracks by the way." Dad said to us. "Yeah, well, we learned from the best." Dean said feeling proud. "Wait, you came all the way out here for this Elkins guy?" Sam asked. Yeah that confused me too, Dad never mentioned him. "Yeah. He was... he was a good man. He taught me a hell of a lot about hunting." Dad said. "Well you never mentioned him to us." Sam said. "We had a... we had kind of a falling out. I hadn't seen him in years." Dad said. "Who haven't you had a falling out with?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "I should look at that. 'If you're reading this, I'm already dead'... that son of a bitch." Dad said ignoring my question. "What is it?" Dad asked. "He had it the whole time." Dad said not answering the question. I  tried to read it but Dad was blocking it. "Dad, what?" Sam asked. "When you searched the place, did you, did you see a gun? An antique, a Colt revolver, did you see it?" Dad asked. I remember seeing a case that didn't have a gun. "Ah, there was, there was an old case but it was empty." I said. "They have it." Dad said cryptic. "You mean whatever killed Elkins?" Dean asked. "We gotta pick up the trail." Dad said starting to get out of the car. "Wait. You want us to come with you?" Sam said. "If Elkins was telling the truth, we gotta find this gun." Dad said. "The gun -- why?" I asked. "Because it's important, that's why." Dad said kinda mad I'm questioning him but I'm curious. "Dad, we don't even know what these things are yet." Sam said trying to be civil with dad. "They were what Daniel Elkins killed best: Vampires." Dad said. Wait vampires exist I thought they were made up like Unicorns or Mermaids. "Vampires? I thought there was no such thing like unicorns and mermaids." I said voicing my thoughts. "You never even mentioned them, Dad." Sam said. "I thought they were extinct. I thought Elkins and -- and others had wiped them out. I was wrong. Most vampire lore is crap. A cross won't repel them, sunlight won't kill them, and neither will a stake to the heart. But the bloodlust, that part's true. They need fresh human blood to survive. They were once people, so you won't know it's a vampire until it's too late." Dad said telling the story. "Good to know that Dad." I said. We got to a motel room and I fell on the couch sleeping. Sam and Dean took beds. "Sam, Dean, Mae, let's go." Dad said smack Sam and Dean's feet and just waking me up by talking. "Mm-hmm." Dean said immediately but still asleep. I sit up with Sam and Dean woke up slowly. "I picked up a police call." Dad said. "What happened?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "A couple called 911, found a body in the street. Cops got there everyone was missing. It's the vampires." Dad said. "How do you know?" Sam asked questioning dad, just like old times. "Just follow me, ok? Mae you're with me." Dad said since I was already dressed fully. We got in his truck and I buckled up. He looked at me. "Seeing more of your mom everytime I look." Dad said. "Yeah, but I don't  have her eyes or yours so who?" I asked. "My father Henry Winchester, never knew what happened to him just up and left one night." Dad said. I nodded as got to the crime scene. "Go wait for Sam and Dean." He said. I nodded and got out seeing the impala coming. I stood there. "Dad said to wait with you two." I said. Sam and Dean nodded. Dad came over after talking to the cops. "I don't see why we couldn't have gone over with him." Sam said. "Oh don't tell me it's already starting." Dean said knowing that this makes a fight happen. "What's starting?" Sam asked confused. "What have you got?" I asked dad. "It was them all right. Looks like they're heading west. We'll have to double back to get around that detour." Dad said. "How can you be so sure?" Sam said. Oh shit it's happening. I got in the impala. I started texting Ricky.
Ricky:Hey Mae.
Mary:Hey Ricky and I guess we are on good terms to call me Mae.
Ricky:So what's up?
Mary:Well we are now helping my dad on a case. Vampires exist.
Ricky:Cool, Crap my mom is making sure I'm sleeping.
I got off chuckling. Dean and Sam got in. Sam driving. "I'm gonna get some sleep." I said. "Smart idea." Dean said. I fell asleep lying across the backseat. I was woken up by Dean. "We are here and you slept through a Sam and Dad fight." Dean said. "Okay. That's normal." I said and walked to where Sam and dad were. We saw a guy vampire get out of a car and another let them in. "Son of a bitch. So they're really not afraid of the sun?" Dean said to dad. "Ahh, direct sunlight hurts like a nasty sunburn. The only way to kill 'em is by beheading. And yeah, they sleep during the day -- doesn't mean they won't wake up." Dad said. "So I guess walking right in's not our best option." I said. "Actually, that's the plan." Dad said. Is dad trying to get us murdered or something. We got machetes out of the trunk. "Dad, I've got an extra machete if you need one." Dean said looking over I saw he had a hidden compartment in the truck, smart idea. Dad took out a huge machete from a leather protector. "I think I'm ok. Thanks." Dad said. "Wow." I said looking at it. "So, you kids really wanna know about this Colt?" Dad asked. "Yes sir." Sam said. "It's just a story, a legend really. Well I thought it was. Never really believed it until I read Daniel's letter.... Back in 1835, when Halley's comet was overhead, the same night those men died at the Alamo. They say Samuel Colt made a gun. A special gun. He made it for a hunter, a man like us only on horseback. Story goes he made thirteen bullets, and this hunter used the gun a half dozen times before he disappeared, the gun along with him. And somehow Daniel got his hands on it. They say... they say this gun can kill anything. " Dad said telling us that story. "Kill anything like, supernatural anything?" Dean asked. "Like the demon." Sam said. "Yeah, the demon. Ever since I picked up its trail I've been looking for a way to destroy that thing. Find the gun -- we may have it." Dad said. We opened the barn window and snuck in. Dad easily got in I just went in right after him and followed him better have two people then by yourself. We got to the bathroom dad motions me to follow. I followed him as the mane vampire moved in his sleep. We stood there silent and we went towards the gun, we soon heard a woman scream. What did the asshats do now. The two vampires were up in an instant. Dad threw a rock at the window and that made them pissed and grab me. I tried kicking them to let me go and the man smacked me. "You'll be fun to use." He said. I was soon tied to a wooden post. "So young and pretty." The one who I learned was named Luther said. "You should be glad I'm tied down." I said. "Why?" He asked. "I would've punched you already." I said glaring at him. "Kinda hard when that glare reminds me of an angry kitten." The lady I learned her name is Kate.
Sam's POV
I couldn't believe dad just left Mary who is now kidnapped by vampires. "Mae will be fine they wouldn't change or kill a child." Dad said. "You should have helped her." I said to dad. "Mae is a strong girl she'll be safe." Dad said as we held crossbows. We shot two of them killing one. "We can use the women as trade for Mae and the Colt." Dean said. Dad nodded.
Mary's POV
After being slapped, punched, and being  just called a nuisance I knew they were regretting kidnapping me. "Do you think your cute?" Luther asked. "I've been told I'm adorable." I said smiling I got punched unconscious. I woke up as we were moving. We were in the middle of the road. Please leave me here to die. "Get out! Who are you?" Luther yelled. "Name's Winchester, and you have my daughter." Dad said. "Where are your friends?" Luther asked getting out with me gagged and tied so I don't try to murder them. Which is an option I've been considering for the past few minutes. "Cleaning out your nest." Dad said getting out. Dad saw me and gave a death glare to Luthet. "Have her she's a nuisance." Luther said throwing me on the ground. Dad helped me up and took the gag off. "You okay Mae Baby?" Dad asked. I nodded and dad got the ropes off me. "Where's Kate?" Luther asked. Dad got Kate out of the trunk in the same state I was. "Come here sweetheart." Dad said pulling out an extremely groggy Kate with a large knife to her throat. "Kate, you all right?" Luther asked. "Dead man's blood." Kate said. "You son of a bitch." Luther said to my dad. "I want the Colt. Elkins gun. Trade. Plus the dead man's blood was a repay for kidnapping my daughter." Dad said. "Is that what this is all about? I mean, you can't shoot us all right? We'll kill you both." Luther said. "Oh, I don't need it for you. I'm saving it for something else. Put the colt down, or she goes first." Dad said. "All right. Just don't hurt her." Luther said putting it down on the ground. "Back up. Further." I said. Luther nodded backing up. Dad went up with Kate getting the Colt I saw Kate working the ties. I got my machete I had. "It's a nice move, you almost made it." Luther said. Kate knocked dad against the truck. I stood there. "Oh I'm so scared of baby hunter." Luther said. "At least I don't get horny looking at a ten year old." I said. I saw an arrow pierce two vampires. Luther grabbed me holding me by my neck and I dropped the machete. I tried clawing his arm sadly my nails are short due to a bad habit of biting them when I'm bored. Sam and Dean came out with machetes ready to kill Luther they saw me and looked murderous. "Don't! I'll break her neck. Put the blade down." Luther says. Sam and Dean looked like they were debating to do it or not. Luther tightened the air supply I had making Dean and Sam dropped the machete. "You people. Why can't you leave us alone. We have as much right to live as you do." Luther said. "I don't think so." I heard dad say from behind. Luther turned and dad shot him with the colt. Luther dropped me. I ran to Sam and Dean. "Luther!" Kate screamed. Another vampire pulled her away and they left. We got back to the motel room packing. Dad came back in. "So boys." Dad said they turned and Dad looked at them.  "Yes sir?" Sam asked. "You ignored a direct order back there." Dad said. "Yes sir." Sam said. "Yeah but we saved your and Mae's ass." Dean said. I decided to join the conversation. "Thanks Sam and Dean." I said leaving for the impala. Sam and Dean got in. "We are gonna hunt this demon as a family and Dad is not happy you took Elkins journal." Dean said. "Sorry but it has not knowledge then dad's. Which dad probably wants back." I said. "Nah he wants you to have it." Sam said. I smiled.

A\N:So new chapter which means this story is gonna come to a close only three more chapters left and I have a new home screen.

A\N:So new chapter which means this story is gonna come to a close only three more chapters left and I have a new home screen

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