An Insane Doctor

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Mary's POV
I was sitting the hotel room and drawing in a sketchbook. Sam and Dean were trying to find dad. "No, Dad was in California last we heard from him. We just thought...he comes to you for 'munitions....maybe you've seen him in the last few weeks. Just, call us if you hear anything." Sam said on the phone with Caleb and hung up. "Caleb hasn't heard from him?" Dean asked Sam. "Nope. And neither has Jefferson or Pastor Jim. What about the journal? Anything leads in there?" Sam asked since Dean was using the journal. "No, same as last time I looked. Nothing I can make out.... I love the guy, but I swear, he writes like friggin' Yoda." Dean said. I chuckled. "You know I can read dad's handwriting." I said. "You know, maybe we should call the Feds. File a missing person's." Sam said ignoring me. "We've talked about this. Dad'd be pissed if we put the Feds on his tail." Dean said I nodded. "I don't care anymore." Sam said. I rolled my eyes at Sam. Dean's phone ring and he went to look for it. "After all that happened back in Kansas, I mean...he should've been there, Dean. You said so yourself. You tried to call him and...nothing." Sam said. "Yeah and I'm curious how mom came back from the dead and had me. "I know. Where the hell is my cellphone?" Dean said looking for it. "You know, he could be dead for all we know." Sam said. I felt chills go down my spine at the thought of dad dead. He can't be he's a trained hunter. "Don't say that! He's not dead! He's – he's..." Dean stammered not knowing what to say. "He's what? He's hiding? He's busy?" Sam asked. I rolled my eyes at that shitty excuse. Dean found his phone and looked at it. "Huh. I don't believe it." Dean whispered seeing it. "What?" Sam and I asked confused. "It's, uh....It's a text message. It's coordinates." Dean said and started typing on Sam's laptop. "You think Dad was texting us?" Sam asked confused. "He's given us coordinates before." Dean said. "The man can barely work a toaster, Dean." Sam said. "Yeah, the only kitchen appliance he can work correctly without starting a fire is a coffee maker." I said remembering alot of burnt toast and eggs with dad's cooking. "Sam, it's good news! It means he's okay, or alive at least." Dean said to us. "Well, was there a number on the caller ID?" I asked Dean sitting on the table. "Nah, it said 'unknown'." Dean said to us. "Well, where do the coordinates point?" Sam asked interested in the possible case. "That's the interesting part. Rockford, Illinois." Dean said reading the laptop. "Ok, and that's interesting how?" Sam and I asked. "I checked the local Rockford paper. Take a look at this." Dean said and turned the laptop to us. "This cop, Walter Kelly, comes home from his shift, shoots his wife, then puts the gun in his mouth, blows his brains out. And earlier that night, Kelly and his partner responded to a call at the Roosevelt Asylum." Dean said to us. Sam and I nodded not understanding how this fits us. "Okay, I'm not following. What has this have to do with us?" Sam finally said for both our sake. "Dad earmarked the same asylum in the journal. Let's see... Here. Seven unconfirmed sightings, two deaths – till last week at least. I think this is where he wants us to go." Dean said finding the page and showing us. "This is a job... Dad wants us to work a job." I said rolling my eyes. "Well, maybe we'll meet up with him? Maybe he's there?" Dean said to us. "Maybe he's not? I mean, he could be sending us there, by ourselves, to hunt this thing." Sam said to us. "Who cares! If he wants us there, it's good enough for me!" Dean said. Of course, Dean being dad's soldier doing what dad wants. "This doesn't strike you as weird? The texting? The coordinates?" Sam asked. "When has that ever stopped him before?" I mumbled. "Sam! Dad's tellin' us to go somewhere, we're goin'." Dean said. I rolled my eyes. "Mae are you on your period or something?" Dean asked noticing me being mouthy. "What's a period?" I asked them. "We'll get you a book." Dean said. I nodded. Sam made his bitch face at Dean. We got to a bar. I sadly had to stay in the car being underage. I got out the book Dean got me that has what a period is. I read it and my eyes widened. "Ahh my eyes!" I screamed shutting the book and looked terrified. Sam and Dean got in looked at my face and laughed. "Sorry you were born a girl, Isla." Sam said. "At least my voice doesn't change." I shot back still not happy when I become a woman my thing will bleed once a month for almost a week. We pulled up to a asylum after Sam explained the story and I was happy to no longer learn about what will happen to me when I get older. Period is now on the top of most horrifying things for me the second is training bra shopping with Dean, and coming in at third was dad explaining what sex was to me at eight years old. "Okay come on we're going to climb the fence." Dean said. Sam got over perfectly, Dean got over just fine. I climbed up it and fell off the other side thankfully Sam caught me before I injured myself. "Thanks Sammy." I said. "No problem May." He said setting me down. We went into the asylum with our flashlights looking around the place. "So apparently the cops chased the kids here....into the south wing." Sam said and pointed the flashlight at the south wing. "South wing, huh? Wait a second 1972. Three kids broke into the south wing, only one survived. Way he tells it, one of his friends went nuts and started lighting up the place." I said reading dad's journal. "So whatever's going on, the south wing is the heart of it." Sam said. "But if the kids are spelunking the asylum, why aren't there a ton more deaths?" Dean said. "Looks like the doors are usually chained. Could've been chained up for years." Sam said. "Yeah, to keep people out. Or to keep something in." Dean said. "Or both." I said. We all looked at each other. Sam pushes the door open. We walked down the hallway. "Let me know if you see any dead people, Haley Joel." Dean said to Sam. I rolled my eyes at this. "Dude, enough." Sam said. "I'm serious. You gotta be careful, all right? Ghosts are attracted to that whole ESP thing you got going on." Dean said to us. "I told you, it's not ESP! I just have strange vibes sometimes. Weird dreams." Sam said. "Yeah, whatever. Don't ask, don't tell." Dean said. "You get any reading on that thing or not Asshat?" I asked referring to the EMF meter. "Nope. Of course, it doesn't mean no one's home." Dean said smirking. "Spirits can't appear during certain hours of the day." Sam said to Dean. "Yeah, the freaks come out at night." Dean said. "Yeah." Sam and I said. "Hey Sam, who do you think is the hotter psychic: Patricia Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt, or you?" Dean asked jokingly. Sam shoved him as Dean laughed and I followed Sam into the next hallway. "Man. Electro-shock. Lobotomies. They did some twisted stuff to these people. Kinda like my man Jack in Cuckoo's Nest." Dean said. "Yeah, an insane doctor." I said. I looked and saw Dean doing crazy eyes and cuckoo sign. I rolled my eyes with Sam. "So. Whaddaya think? Ghosts possessing people?" Dean asked us. "Maybe. Or maybe it's more like Amityville, or the Smurl hunting." Sam said. "Spirits driving them insane. Kinda like my man Jack in The Shining." Dean said. "Dean. When are we going to talk about it?" I asked looking at him. "Talk about what?" Dean asked faking confusion. "About the fact Dad's not here." I said. "Oh. I see. How 'bout...never." Dean said. Oh He is not making me give up easily. "I'm being serious, man. He sent us here..." I said. "So am I, Mae, Look, he sent us here, he obviously wants us here. We'll pick up the search later." Dean said. "Stop fight you two and Dean, it doesn't matter what he wants." Sam said breaking us up. "See. That attitude? Right there? That is why May and I always get the extra cookie." Dean said. "Dad could be in trouble, we should be looking for him. We deserve some answers, Dean. I mean, this is our family we're talking about." Sam said. Oh so he tells Dean and I  not to argue but started one up. Hypocrite much? "I understand that, Sam, but he's given us an order." Dean said. "So what, we gotta always follow Dad's orders?" Sam asked. "Yes." I mumbled. "Of course we do." Dean said to him. Sam give dean his fusterated look I just continued looking around.  I picked up a sign. "'Sanford Ellicott'...You know what we gotta do. We gotta find out more about the south wing. See if something happened here." I said as Sam and Dean looked over my shoulder. The next day we got Sam to question a phycatrist as a patient. I continued reading the girl changes book. "Why are you still reading that?" Dean asked. "Would you rather have me ask you or Sam?" I asked him. "Please no." Dean said scared. I chuckled and went back to reading. Sam soon came out. "Dude! You were in there forever. What the hell were you talking about?" Dean asked Sam. "Just the hospital, you know." Sam said. "And...?" I asked closing my book. "And the south wing? It's where the housed the really hard cases. The psychotics, the criminally insane." Sam said. "Sounds cozy." Dean said. "Sounds stupid." I said, since putting all the crazies together involves death. "Yeah. And one night in '64, they rioted. Attacked staff. Attacked each other." Sam said. "So the patients took over the asylum?" I asked. "Apparently." Sam said to us. "Any deaths?" Dean asked. "Some patients, some staff. I guess it was pretty gory. Some of the bodies were never even recovered, including our chief of staff, Ellicott." Sam said. "Whaddaya mean, never recovered?" Dean asked. "Cops scoured every inch of the place but I guess the patients must've...stuffed the bodies somewhere hidden." Sam said. "That's grim." Dean said. "And if they aren't skeletons gross." I said. "Yeah. So, they transfered all the remaining patients and closed the hospital down." Sam said. "So, to sum it up, we've got a bunch of violent deaths and a bunch of unrecovered bodies." Dean said. "And a bunch of angry spirits." I said. "Yeah that sums it up." Sam said. "Good times. Let's check out the hospital tonight." Dean said. We nodded and drove to the asylum. "Mary stay in here." Sam said. "Hell no." I said defiant and got out with them. "Okay." Dean said. Sam pushes open the door and we walked in.  Sam was holding a video camera, Dean a EMF meter and me just a flashlight and my guns . "Getting readings?" Sam asked Dean. "Yeah, big time." Dean said. "You Sammy?" I asked him. "This place is orbing like crazy." Sam said showing me. Damn it was. "Probably multiple spirits out and about." Dean said. "And if these uncovered bodies are causing the haunting..." Sam trailed off. "We gotta find 'em and burn 'em. Just be careful though. The only thing that makes me more nervous than a pissed off spirit... is the pissed off spirit of a psycho killer." Dean said. We kept on walking around the asylum. I was looking around when a white haired guy come up to me. I shot him with rock salt and he disintegrated. "Mae we heard a gun shot." Sam said running in. "I shot the asshole." I said. He nodded. "Okay come on." Sam said and we led me out of the room. We saw Dean with a young girl. "Mary this Kat." Dean said. I waved at her. "What are you doing here!?" I asked. "Um. My boyfriend, Gavin." Kat said to us. "Is he here?" Dean asked. "Somewhere. He thought it would be fun, try and see some ghosts. I thought it was all know. Pretend. I've seen things. I heard Gavin scream and..." Kat trailed off. "Alright. Kat? Come on. Mary's gunna get you out of here and then we're gunna find your boyfriend." Dean said. "No! No. I'm not going to leave without Gavin. I'm coming with you." Kat said. Wow stubborn like me. "It's no joke around here, okay. It's dangerous." Dean said. "That's why I gotta find him." Kat said. Dean looked at us and we shrugged. "Alright, I guess we gunna split up then. Let's go." Dean said and went with Kat I went with Sam. We were wandering around. "Gavin.... Gavin?" We asked around. We found Gavin unconscious in a room. We gently shook him. "Hey, Gavin. It's okay, we're here to help." Sam said. "Who are you two?" Gavin asked. "My name is Sam that's Mary. Uh, we found your girlfriend." Sam said to Gavin. "Kat? Is she alright?" Gavin asked us. "Yeah. She's worried about you. Are you okay?" I asked him. "I was running. I think I fell." Gavin said. "You were running from what?" Sam asked. "There was...there was this girl. Her face. It was all messed up." Gavin said. "Okay listen, did this girl... did she try and hurt you?" Sam asked. "What? No, she...uh..." Gavin said trying to find the right words. "She what?" I asked Gavin. "She...kissed me." Gavin said. Sam and I looked shocked. " she didn't hurt you, physically?" Sam asked. "Dude! She kissed me. I'm scarred for life!" Gavin said. "Well, trust us, it could have been worse. Now do you remember anything else?" I asked him. "She uh...actually, she tried to whisper something in my ear." Gavin said. "What?" Sam asked. "I don't know. I ran like hell." Gavin said. We soon heard Kat scream. "Kat!" Gavin yelled and ran to the sound. We followed the sound and got where Dean was trying to break it out. "Get me outta here!" Kat screamed. "Kat, it's not going to hurt you. Listen to me. You've got to face it. You've got to calm down." Sam said through the door. "She's gotta what?!" Dean yell asked confused. "I have to what?!" Kat yell asked confused. "These spirits, they're not trying to hurt us, they're trying to communicate. You gotta face it. You gotta listen to it." Sam said. "You face it!" Kat yelled. "The things not near us." I said to her. "Look at it, come on. You can do it." Sam said encouraging her. "Kat?" Gavin asked. "Man, I hope you're right about this." Dean said. "Yeah, me too." Sam said we waited until the door soon opened and revealed Kat. "Oh, Kat." Gavin said and hugged her. "One thirty-seven." Kat said turning to us. "Sorry?" Dean asked confused. "It whispered in my ear. 137." Kat said. "Room number." The three of us said in unison. "Mae you stay here with them whil we look for room 137." Sam said. "Okay guys." I said. "So. How do you guys know about all this ghost stuff?" Kat asked me. "It's kinda our job." I said. "Why would anyone want a job like that, especially at your age?" Kat asked. "My brothers and I had a crappy guidance counselor." I said. "And Dean? He's your boss?" Gavin asked. I looked down. "No." I said. We sat there for awhile and Kat told Gavin if they live their breaking up. We heard a noice. I took out my gun and motioned them to be silent. I saw Dean but shot he duck away in time. "Tryin to kill me Mae?" He asked. "Sure let's go with that." I said rolling my eyes. "Dean why did you text me to go down to the basement?" I asked looking at my phone. "I never texted you." Dean said. "Go look for Sammy, I said to Dean he nodded and headed to the basement. I soon saw Sam and Dean come up and Sam had bruises. We now stood outside the asylum. I was in the car looking at my voicemails and saw one from an unknown number I listened. "Hey Mae I know it's been a long time but it's me Kara Jones want to talk?" I heard. Kara Jones I've heard that name before. Right Kara who I thought of a sister who went hunting away from us. I called her back. "Hello?" I heard. "Hey Kara." I said. "Hey Mae how come you didn't call back sooner?" Kara asked. "Busy with a hunted asylum." I said. I heard a male chuckle. "Finally find a guy to fall in love other then Dean?" I asked knowing her crush on my brother. "Shut up Mary, and that's Ricky Harvelle." Kara said. I nodded. "Okay, well Sam and Dean are getting in the car. Bye Kara." I said. "Bye Mae." Kara hung up. "Who was that?" Dean asked. "Kara Jones."
I said smiling.

A\N:New chapter and this story is officially a crossover with Chairwoman232  and her story Kara Jones it will be different on how our characters are in the separate stories but there will be the same characters. So thank you for letting me using your charecter in this story. Oh and check out her stories they're awesome.

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