Damn Hillybillies

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Mary's POV
Kara, Sam, and Dean were in a bar after interviewing a kid who saw a guy who was taken under his car and never seen again. I saw Ricky texted me.
Ricky:Is it bad I have to hide in a closet while my sister and mom fight?
Mary:What is it about?
Ricky:School about Jo not wanting to go.
Mary:Your on your own pal.
Ricky:Geez your a good friend.
Mary:I know.
I looked and saw Kara walking out of the bar. Finally someone to talk to. I saw her set her purse and notebook down and look down and didn't come up. I got out putting my phone in my pocket. "Kara?" I asked getting out and looking around. "Where are you?" I asked and something grabbed my leg. I kicked it and it dragged me under and put a rag over my face making me unconscious. I woke up in a cage. "Kara?" I asked seeing her beaten up in a cage. "May are you okay?" Kara asked. "Yes but what happened?" I asked. "I was taken by my body you?" Kara asked. "Leg." I replied. "Okay." We looked over and saw a guy unconscious. "I think that was the guy taken." Kara said. I nodded. We saw Jenkins wake up. "You're alive." I said, cawling over to him as he groaned. "Hey, you okay?" Kara asked. "Does it look like I'm doin' okay?" Jenkins asked very rude. "Where are we?" I asked. "I don't know. The country, I think. Smells like the country." Jenkins said. How can something smell like the country. "You're Alvin Jenkins, aren't you?" Kara asked. "Yeah." Jenkins said. "We were lookin' for ya." I said. "Oh, yeah?" He asked. "Yeah." Kara said. "Well, no offense, but this is a piss-poor rescue." Jenkins said. "Well, my brothers are out there right now, too. They're lookin' for us. So—." I said getting cut off by Jenkins. "So, they're not gonna find us. We're in the middle of nowhere. Waiting for them to come back and do God-knows-what to us." Jenkins said. "What are they? Have you seen them?" Kara asked. "What are you talking about?" Jenkins asked. "Whatever's got us, what'd they look like?" I asked. "See for yourself." Jenkins said as the barn opened two people came in and gave Jenkins food and left he devoured it. "I'll be damned. They're just people." Kara said. "Yeah. What'd you expect?" Jenkins said. "How often do they feed you?" I asked. "Once a day. And they use that thing over there to open the cage." Jenkins said pointing to a panel. "And that's the only time you see 'em?" Kara asked. "So far. But I'm waitin'." Jenkins said. What is he waiting for to be killed? "Waitin' for what?" I asked curious hopefully he won't say death. "Ned Beatty time, girls." Jenkins said. "I think that's the least of your worries right now." Kara said. "Oh, yeah?" Jenkins asked. "Yeah." I said giving him my best bitch face. "What do you think they want, then?" Jenkins asked. "Depends on who they are." Kara said and I noticed a wire with a long metal pole I started pulling at it. "They're a bunch of psycho hillbilly rednecks, if you ask me. Lookin' for love in all the wrong places." Jenkins said. I was pulling at the wire harder. "Well they are damn hillbillies. Don't know about love." I said to Jenkins and Kara. I saw it started coming off the pole. "What's your girls names, again?" Jenkins asked. "I'm Kara that's Mary." Kara said to Jenkins. "Why don't you give it up, Mae, there's no way out." Jenkins said, Okay there are two things I don't like One is tampons and the second is people that aren't friends or family calling me Mae. "Don't....call me....Mae!" I yelled and finally teared the coil down and a small piece of metal fell down. "What is it?" Jenkins and Kara asked. "It's a bracket." I said showing them. "Well, thank God, a bracket. Now we've got 'em, huh?" Jenkins said sarcastically I gave him my bitch face. When Jenkins cage opened itself. "Must've been short. Maybe you knocked somethin' loose." Jenkins said getting out of the cage. "We think you should get back in there, Jenkins." Kara said. "What?" Jenkins said. "This isn't right." I said. "Don't you two wanna get out of here?" Jenkins asked. "Yeah. But that was too easy." I said. "Look, I'm gonna get out of here, and I'm gonna send help, okay, don't worry." Jenkins said. He should be worried about himself. "No, Mary's serious. Jenkins—this might be a trap." Kara said. "Bye, Mar and Kari." Jenkins said. "Jenkins!" Kara and I yelled. "Well we're dead." I said. "Mar have hope." Kara said. "What hope Sam and Dean are trying to find us?" I asked. "Yes." Kara said. I sighed. Soon two figures came in not wearing cloaks but wearing flannel and jeans and had breads and baseball caps on. "Oh you two are perfect." One said coming over to my cage and opening it which made me crawl over to the corner. "Oh don't worry Blondie." He said and he reeked of cigars. "Get away from my hillbilly." I said. "Oh did you hear Blondie Jared." He said. "Yes Lee I did and Barbie over here as amazing hair for pulling." Jared said to Lee. Lee put his hand in my hair and yanked it hard making tears come in my eyes. "Oh you beautiful thing." Lee said and tried kissing me. I slapped him. "Oh a firecracker we'll have to fix that." He said and grabbed a belt and turned me over and whacked me with a belt. "Don't hurt her!" Kara yelled watching me get beaten. "Your Baby Sister needs to be taught manners." Jared said.
Kara's POV
I was watching Mary get beaten by a belt finally Lee stopped after Mary went limp. "Your baby sister doesn't scream sadly what about you." Jared said and smacked me. I kicked his stomach and he laughed and kept smacking me and pulling my hair.
Mary's POV
I woke up to Jared and Lee hitting Kara and mine was still open. I grabbed a pipe and hit Jared with it knocking him unconscious but denting the pipe. Lee turned and looked down at me. "Your brother dented my pipe man." I said. He picked me up stupid shortness and lightweight and threw me in the cage and left locking the cages and dragging Jared out. I looked at Kara. "That was awesome Mae." She said. "Thanks Kara." I said. "We'll just have to wait for Sam and Dean." I said. I saw an older man drag in a female police officer and put her in Jenkins's old cage. She woke up and saw us. "Mary Winchester and Kara Jones?" She asked us and looking at two pictures, did Sam and Dean get the police involved. "Yes." Kara said. "Your, uh, your cousins and boyfriend are looking for you two." The officer said. "Thank God. Where are they?" I asked relieved. "I, uh—I cuffed them to my car." She said. I laughed. We heard the door open oh shit not more Lee and Jared I don't want to get beat and almost raped. "Mae. Are you hurt?" Sam asked coming to me cage Dean going to Kara's. "No." I said lying about the welts on my back from the force of the belt. "Damn, it's good to see you two." Dean said to us. "How did you two get out of the cuffs?" The officer asked them. "Oh, we know a trick or two." Dean said. "Alright. Oh, these locks look like they're gonna be a bitch." Sam said seeing the lock. "Well, there's some kind of automatic control right there." I said pointing to the automatic control panel. "Have you seen 'em?" Dean asked us. "Yeah. Guys, they're just people." Kara said. I nodded. "And they jumped you? Must be gettin' a little rusty there, Kara." Dean said. "How did they get you? You were in the car." Sam said. "I got out looking for Kara since she bent down and I had to look." I said. Dean walked over to the panel and tried buttons. "What do they want?" Dean asked. "We don't know. They let Jenkins go, but that was some sort of trap. It doesn't make any sense to us." Kara said. "Sex one tried kissing me and I slapped him." I said. "That's our girl." Dean said. "Well, that's the point. You know, with our usual cases, there's rules, there's patterns. But with people, they're just crazy." Sam said. "See anything else out there?" Kara asked. "Uh, he has about a dozen junked cars hidden out back. Plates from all over, so I'm thinkin' when they take someone, they take their car, too." Dean said. "Did you see a black Mustang out there? About ten years old?" The officer asked. "Yeah, actually, We did." Dean said. "Your brother's?" Sam asked. She nodded. "I'm sorry. Let's get you guys out of here, then we'll take care of those bastards. This thing takes a key. Key?" Dean said to us. "We don't know." Kara said. "Alright, we better go find it." Sam said and they turned to leave. "Hey." Kara said getting them to turn. "Be careful." I said. "Yeah." They said. They left. "So what's your name?" I asked. "Kathleen I'm the deputy." Kathleen said. "Okay that's nice and don't worry my boyfriend and his brother are tough." Kara said. I nodded. "I'm sorry about your brother." I said to Kathleen. "It's fine at least now I know." Kathleen said. I saw Lee come in and open Kara and my cage. "What are you doing?" I asked. I grabbed the bracket I got free He aims his gun at Kara. "Hey!" Kathleen yelled. I got out and motioned her to be quiet and tackled Lee getting him and hitting him in the face with the gun three times and pointed to gun and tried shooting it but it would shoot. "Damn." I said. Kara got out and we put Lee in my cage and locked it. I smiled. We got Kathleen free and went to another room in the barn and hid behind a bale of hay. Kathleen went to another room to hide we heard noise. Kara and I looked at each other and ran in. "Hey!" We yelled. Jared turned to us and tried shooting us but we dodged the older guy I guess pa was behind us and got shot instead in the shoulder and collapsed. I got behind Jared and grabbed the rifle hitting Jared with it knocking him unconscious. The three of us dragged him to Kara's cage and put him in it locking it. "I'll watch this one. You two go ahead." Kathleen said to us. We nodded we walked in the house and saw Sam tying a small girl to chair while she kicked. "Need help boys?" I asked they nodded. Kara went behind the girl with a frying pan and knocked her unconscious. "Your good." I said. They put her in a closet locking it since she was a little bitch. My back still ached from the belt and then having to dodge gun shots was not fun. "Mae you okay?" Dean asked putting his hand on my back I yelped and blushed. "What happened?" Sam asked. "One beat me with a belt after I slapped him for trying to kiss me. Sam pulled up my shirt and looked shocked that I had welts all over my back. "We'll fix you up in the car. Kara?" Sam asked. "Not me they kept hurting Mae since they claimed she needed to learns manners. We walked out of the house as Kathleen walked out of the barn. "Where's the girl?" Kathleen asked. "Locked her in a closet. What about the dad?" Dean asked. "Shot. Trying to escape." Kathleen said after awhile and called the police, child services, and an ambulance they checked me out and put a special cream on my back that would make the welts go away. "Here reaply this after a shower for a week." They said. I nodded and walked to my backpack putting it in. After everything settled we walked out with Kathleen. "Where's the car?" I asked Sam and Dean. "I think the car's at the police station." Dean said. A woman was talking to Kathleen and after Kathleen approached us. "So, state police and the FBI are gonna be here within the hour. They're gonna wanna talk to you. I suggest that you're both long gone by then." Kathleen said. "Thanks. Hey, listen, I don't mean to press our luck, but we're kind of in the middle of nowhere. Think we could catch a ride?" Dean said. "Start walking. Duck if you see a squad car." Kathleen said smirking. "Sounds great to me. Thanks." Sam said. "Listen, uh....I'm sorry about your brother." Dean said. "Thank you. It was really hard not knowing what happened to him. I thought it would be easier once I knew the truth—but it isn't really. Anyway, you should go." Kathleen said. We nodded. We were walking and Dean said. "Never do that again." He said looking at us. "Do what?" I asked. "Go missin' like that." Sam said causing Kara and I to laugh. "You were worried about us?" Kara asked. "All we're sayin' is, you two vanish like that again, we're not lookin' for ya two." Dean said. "Sure, you two won't." I said laughing. "We won't." Dean said. "So, you two got sidelined by a thirteen-year-old girl, huh?" I asked curious. "Oh, shut up." Sam and Dean said. "Just sayin', gettin' rusty there, kiddos." Kara said. "Shut up." Sam and Dean said and Dean looked at Kara. "Kara did the seriously?" Dean asked. "No Mae hit them with a steel pipe." Kara said dean laughed and high fived me as we kept walking to the car.

A\N:Finished the benders and next is Shadow and your gonna see Mary's relationship with John.

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