Chapter 2 : TRUTH AND LIES

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Philippe was the first scheduled appointment. With him being a boy Bethany had to be verry careful. When it came to a physical exam if he even allowed it. But she hoped this humiliating procedure wouldn't be needed. 

She offered him a drink and he accepted some orange juice from the fridge. Once "Pegasus" was settled and comfortable the medical began proper. 

Bethany procedures were unique and person centred.  This meant they took longer than usual. So she could take fewer appointments in the day she had been called out on this many times but she hadn’t stopped only been more concise. 

She just wished the others were the same but it didn't feel like they were...

Firstly she would listen to why he was here and what he needed. Even though the appointment had been made for him after general Concerns were raised. Then she would do the dreaded questionnaire with him. That came later though thankfully. 

" hi there how's it going? So are you pegasus or Phillipe today honey?" she asked Warmley showing respect for his preferences 

The young man blushed a little and his behind his beutiful hair for a moment. 

"Er Madame fairweather I do not really mind you can call me either mainly is my few friends who call me Pegasus and Kari of course. 

Bethany nods okay pegasus so what's been bothering you?" she says leaning in to listen carefully

Pegasus explained about his worsening accidents and bed wetting that were really worrying him and crushing his already fragile self-esteem. He also talked about the boys bullying him. He was blushing and clearly embarrassed by it all. But Bethany knew the right things to say to keep him talking and calm.

Finally he was done a questionnaire and all and with advice on positivity and maybe some protection if it gets worse she said " I recommend you speak to your g. P. Pegasus they can refer you on to the urologist or therapist if needed, or offer you other suggestions. 

Could you wait outside till Karis finished there's something I need to speak to you both about okay?" naturelly keen to please he nodded and went to sit out side. 

Then kari came in. Bethany soon learned karis problems were much more serious then she had first thought.. Seeing Kari for the first time in a few days. Kari was pretty and worked hard to look her best. Sadly To a trained eye like Bethanys Kari looked very un well. Deep rings barely concealed by her care ful makeup, her jitteriness and lack of concentration spoke of chronic sleep deprivation and anxiety. She was a little thin as well but not worryingly so yet

Bethany’s keener senses picked up fear hormones. And other secretions Bethany knew she had to settle her charge down  before she could hope to talk to Kari. 

"Kari honey do you want a drink, there are some stuffies over there I know you like them?"

Bethany asks gently. Bethany knew all about karis desire to be little. 

She had seen a lot of evidence for it and tried to support it subtly but she knew Kari was very sensitive. and ashamed of her self. The sad thing was this behavior is a part of her.  This was something Bethany had worked at trying to change. She didn't like how so many have to hide behind falsehoods to fit into society. 

Bethany knew Kari had to want little space and it couldn't be forced in her as that would turn her escape into a prison. 

For her part Kari felt much more at ease with the warm softly spoken nurse. Though she had never shared it directly she had a feeling Bethaniny knew about her little space. She wished she had the courage to tell her. Sadly though she was still afraid of judgmental people.

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