Daydreaming (updated)

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Kari was tired out now as she sat on the bench fearing the bullies would get her or pegasus but it seems she had lost them. She had run from the school to the park. About half a mile away. She loved it here normally but not today. She was catching her breath then moving on. 

She noticed a blue-eyed raven looking at her from a tree. Well, she thought it was looking right at her.  

To her, it felt unnatural and It looked very intelligent and deeply insidious. 

She wanted to get away from it as it was creeping her out. 

For some reason, this strange bird was much more unsettling to her than the thought of getting a thrashing or worse from the bullies. She was used to that sadly.

 Kari took a drink of her water bottle and headed towards the toilet block.

she felt the need to pee bad. She thought she was gonna wet herself. She thought it was perhaps her nervousness. She forced it away

However, even if it wasn't she couldn't bear the thought of actually peeing her panties. that would be too embarrassing without a ready change or the pullups the kind counsellor had offered earlier that day.  So she quickly dashed in to do her business barely making it.

With a melancholy sigh, she remembered how safe Bethany Larchwood the beautiful anthropomorphic rabbit had made her feel. She found herself wishing a strange thing indeed. 

She wished that Bethany was her and Pegasus’s mummy. She imagined her looking after the pair but they were little kids again. Kari happily got lost in this beautiful fantasy daydream. Forgetting about her fear and potential danger.  Kari was always good at imagining things but sometimes she struggled to separate fantasy from reality even though she was fifteen.

To be fair though her life had been hard and kind of sad. She lost her parents quite young. Then ended up in foster care where some carers were cruel and mean others were kind but zealous and forced her to go to church when he wasn't a Christian. Calling her neo-pagan faith witchcraft.

 Her best foster carers to date were her current ones. They tried hard to look after her and make her feel part of their family. 

But they didn't understand her and she had never dared mention her little side to them. 

Because of all this inconsistency in her life, she was very shy and lacked confidence in her abilities. Right now she just wanted to escape.

The tired worried girl let her mind wander just for a bit. She was so overwhelmed with everything right now. She sat on the grass that a creepy blue-eyed raven watched her. The dreamy girl didn't see the bully boys catching sight of her and heading towards her. 

No Kari simply got lost in her dreams and stories she loved reading so much. She went away to her “ wonderland” what would happen what would she dream today. She had to escape. Everything was far too much for her to handle. As her thumb slipped comfortingly into her mouth she fell into an almost trance-like state. so she began her lucid daydream...


It was a lovely warm day and I heard my mum calling me to have breakfast. I was awake already as was quite an early riser. I’d been doing my morning exercises so I was a bit sweaty. I turned the yoga program off and washed my face. 

This Morning I felt little so put my hair in pretty pigtails and put on a cute yellow dress with white frills around the edges.  I checked my Disney princess pullup I’d been wearing through the night. It was still dry so I left it on giggling happily to myself.

Mummy didn't mind me being little or my brother Pegasus being a girly boy or crossdresser is it called I can't remember. So with a pink paci in my mouth, I wander downstairs.  Mummy is cooking our favourites of pancakes with fruit and cream and we were all off today so we could do something as a family. 

Pegasus was not down yet he took forever to get ready in the morning. luckily I didn’t need to use the bathroom yet as there’s a sink and mirror in my room and of course the pullup. Our mummy was a pretty and gentle Lapid called Bethany. 

She was also a teacher at our school but of course, couldn't show favouritism towards us there.  

“Morning baby girl did you sleep well? want some jasmine and lotus tea “ she asks warmly as she pours some fragrant and sweet tea into a teacup.  For herself .” I nod happily. Mummy liked to cultivate exotic plants as a hobby.  As they smelled lovely and were so colourful. They attracted lots of wildlife to our nice garden.

Mummy poured me some tea as well and handed it to me. Then she began to flip the pancakes. I loved helping her cook. But I was too little to be safe in the kitchen right now. I giggled at this silly thought.

Pegasus did come down eventually he’s my brother. By adoptions, He’s very handsome and has very long white hair. 

Today he had made it into two pigtail plaits with pink and blue ribbons in. 

He wore a soft tank top with a colourful unicorn on it and tight blue jeans with flowers down the sides with his white heeled riding boots.

 He kissed my head “ hi Lil sis “which made me giggle and hugged mum  “ Mornin how you doing today my lovely favourite girls. I must add you both look fabulous today ” he spoke in the most adorable soft southern Drawl “ it made me blush when he spoke like that.  

“ I'm great hows our handsome cowboy “  mum chuckled as she had banter with her son. 

Next, we sat down to eat our breakfast. This was typically a quiet time and then mummy would tell us what was going on if anything was out of the ordinary. We shared loving eye contact between the three of us. 

I suddenly felt a desperate need to pee like I was gonna wet myself then and there. I didn't think I'd make the loo so I moved up from my seat so I did not squish the padding then helplessly peed into my pullup.  Hoping it would hold.  Fortunately, it did then I sat down again. My family knew I did wear pull-ups sometimes so none of them said anything.  We just carried on.

Once we were all done and cleaned up the dishes mum asked us what we wanted to do.  I couldn't think of much. I was kinda shy. But Pegasus had a great idea “; let's go swimming. That would be wonderful. We all love swimming.” I squealed at this idea as I loved swimming.

Something felt off though I could hear the buzz of conversation far off and felt wetness all down my legs and around my crotch.  I looked down and I wasn't wearing a pullup and peed my school uniform.   The buzz became clear words 


Instantly this snapped me out of what I sadly realized was just a dream and started to cry….

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