Part 4:what A Beautiful Day

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Mari left Bethanys office Feeling better then she had in ages. Now she knew someone valued her for who she was and tried to understand her. This was an incredibly emotional and special thing for the troubled  young woman.

She had to admit  she couldn't help but feel that Bethany had wanted to talk about something that could have been important.

But it got over looked. Kari was curious about it. For now she was determined to enjoy this wonderful mood she was in and she went to class feeling light and calm .

She was very late but she had already been excused for the appointment.  She sheepishly snuck into English   took her seat near the back. Though she was a anxious coming in late  as everyone would stare. But none of them really bothered which helped.

Kari was 15 minutes late to this  second class of her day  and had completely missed first. Though she needed the realise that the counciling session had given her or she would really have struggled.

The English class actully turned out to be quite enjoyable and flew by. The class was doing a creative writing exercise which was always sonething Kari really. This is because it allowed her time to   expresses herself and reflect on thing going on in her difficult life. It allowed some quiet and the chance to get lost In her own imagination.

She was in class with Pegasus who smiled Warmley when he noticed her and passed her a note which she read " coffee later?)
She replies with a sure I'd like that alot. Then passed it back after a couple of notes were sent the class begin to pay attention. Pegasus noticed and glared witheringly  around and sighed for Kari to stop sending the notes or be more subtle. Which she nodded in agreement.the last thing she needed was the other students talking behind her back well more then they already did .  Kari knew that would flare up her anxiety again. She had been doing much better with that of late she thought.

The teacher explained that the challenge was to write a 500word compleate story about anything they wanted but it would be harder then they thought. He put  a few ideas on the board. Including child hood memories, family holidays, hobbies, dreams and aspirations.

Kari had lots to write about but alot if it was sensitive and would upset her . It so she thought . Finally she knew what to write about and the words just flowed.

Her story was about a girl and her freind who were adopted by the kind unconventional school councilor.  The story was like a dream to her so the problem she had was cutting it back.Firtunatly Karibwaa a clever girl and was great at saying alot with only a few words . However she kept her notes for a story if her own later .

People snickered behind her as she felt a slight impact. Then a few more as kids had thrown papers at her or spat soggy balls from straws . This little thing really upset poor Kari but not because . If the spit balls but because she read sone if the papers . They all said mean things like was she turning lesbian, would she like to ride the Pegasus one Evan said pissy pants toddler brat . Thus was the last straw.

As she burst into tears the teacher took note but before he could do anything sone cold words cane from a mist unexpected source . In the corner the quiet sissy boy Phillipes spoke up  softly but his tone was imperious abdvtfe room slowly fell silent in utter shock that the sissy girly boy had a voice . Phillipes eerie purple eyes lock with everyone .the effect was hypnotic and he was shaking and scared but trying to be confident. Clearly tges words cane from the heart in an attempt to touch his class mates and make then think.

" Y'all should be ashamed of ya selves . That you bully two kids in you class just cos they ain't like you .
Do ya do it cos ya miserable and want others to suffer .
Perhaps do it cos y'all just nastey disgustin human beings .

I could sit here and I could tell something embarrassing or humiliating about you all or a weakness that you could all exploit. 

The reason I don't is cos for all you do to me  to karri and many others I still respect yall as people hoping there more to ya all.
Do ya really just wanna be sheep with no minds? Ya not all the same why not value your individuality . That is all I have to say about that and I hope it makes ya think ."  He said then sat down  breathing heavily and he took a puff  from his inhaler.

The teacher was very impressed and he praised Pegasus clever and we'll thought response . The rest if the  the  class was subdued noone spoke really. Kari did hear 3 lads say to each other " noone talks to us like that let's do him good  after schoo.l "

She took note if this and write it down naming each lad . And gave a copy to the teacher . She had calmed down but was still raw from the cruel messages sone if which she also gave to the teacher and tried to explain what happened. Pegasus,s great oratory had inspired  her to stand up and be heard ,this time anyway . She knew the confidence would soon ebb again.Kari just hoped she did the right thing.

On top of this she was worried about Pegasus and had to tell him if the thugs plan .
Sadly he has already gone blended into the shuffling crowd .

Kari thought something odd then.Tht was dispite  Pegasusnot blending in atall with his strange behaviour , mannerisms and  unique apperance  he could never be tracked or followed through crowds or caught when he ran away .

Dispite these strange talents though She knew  had to find him no matter what it he could be in very real  danger ...

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