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 The lads had run to the park only moments ago to see the thuggish bullies from school heading towards his helpless friend. Rowen said Ill get you the time to bring her round Peggi but you gotta hurry we are in real trouble.” 

Pegasus shook Kari awake after calling KARRI  KARI ARE YOU OKAY WAKE UP BEAUTIFUL. It was dramatic but he was genuinely worried shed had a fit or something.

 She had zoned out for a few minutes coming out the toilet block then she had just stood there and peed her panties. she'd be so upset. But Pegasus knew they had bigger problems right now as he gently slapped Kari,s face to get her to focus on the problem at hand. She was tearful and disorientated  for a moment but soon was focused “ what’s going on what happened ?” 

Pegasus sighed “ them assholes who said they’d do us after the school found us now the bullies are here and rowen is facing them alone to I could help you, so we can explain the rest later now the guy who made it possible to find you and one of my few friends needs us.” 

Kari wanted to protest but pegasus uncharacteristic sternness and urgency put that from her mind fast.

With that the pair head to the sounds of a fight . as rowen dropped one lad with a kneed to the groin but the other 3 all were laying into him and he couldn't defend every side.  

Though he had not gone down yet more and more hits were getting passed his skillful guard and he was taking a beating .but  clearly he knew how to move and how to fight. Working in eerily flawless tandem with his bird. That horrible bird flew at one boy's face raking at his eyes so Rowen had some breathing space for a second.

 Pegasus got out two short batons similar to a police nightsticks out

 He then roundhouse kicked his steel heeled boot into ones back then smashed his left baton into the same lads shoulder and the right one into his stomach. The bully dropped.  

Kari was amazed that her mild-mannered friend was also such an effective fighter.

  Rowen was fighting now fighting 2 on one and losing but he was getting less and less effective he could barely carry one.   

Meanwhile the boy who Rowen’s hard knee had dropped was recovering and he saw his friends in danger and went for pegasus. They needed Kari.

 Having dealt with one or so he thought he wasted no time in going for the next one but it left his back exposed. A fact that one of the attackers thought exploited as he all but rugby tackled Pegasus from behind.

Pegasus was fast and so tucked his athletic body into a tight break fall to avoid injury as he was a gymnast.  Hitting the ground on his side and able to keep fighting, Something cracked as h hit the ground though. The adrenaline made him ignore it.

 Unfortunately this left him hopelessly grappling with a big lad with ugly scars and they both fell over and wrestled on the ground.

 However no matter how slippery pegasus was and how precise and debilitating his strikes were. The big lads slow and clumsy but powerful blows were rapidly taking their toll on the slim albino. 

Kari had to be quick. she grabbed a stone and threw it as hard as she at the one who was beating on pegasus. It hit him in the face and staggered him then she ran over, then punched him as hard as she could in the face and neck over and over again “let go of my boyfriend you ass hole “ she screamed .” the ugly scarred lad laughed and grabbed Kari’s leg and yanked her over. winding her .she rolled over a few times then got up cursing breathing heavily. The last boy then threw himself at a pegasus who was stunned and Kari who seems to have lost it.so wasn't paying attention to the danger.

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