IV. Departure

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IV. Departure

            “Really, Arwen,” I tried to tell her, “you do not need to pack your entire wardrobe for me. I am sure the journey will not be too long.”

            “Still,” Arwen countered me as she laid out the many outfits she picked out for me, “I would rather you have spares in case something should happen—which I am sure nothing will. Now, pick a few, and I will help you fold them.”

            Giving in, I sighed, selecting three different outfits from the choices Arwen gave me. One was a light blue gown with long, flowing sleeves. Another was a deep green, with sleeves that ended at my elbows, the fabric coated in swirling patterns. The final gown I picked was an off white and looked slimming. Arwen helped me fold the gowns, placing them in a pack for me.

            Arwen also insisted that I take one more outfit, something to wear for tomorrow. I suppressed a groan. She seemed very generous in giving me her outfits. Then again, she was the Queen, so maybe this was her way of getting rid of old gowns she did not want to keep anymore. If anything, she could donate them to women who really needed something to wear.

            “There,” Arwen finally said. “All packed and ready for tomorrow.”

            “Thank you.” My gaze locked on the outside. My legs pulled me towards the balcony, my eyes locked on the darkness of the night. I stopped at the railing, surveying the sky above me. My hands lay on the railing; my eyes took in the stars they could see. Tonight seemed like such a beautiful night.

            “It is a nice view from here.” Arwen stood beside me. “I sometimes go outside at night to admire the sky.”

            “I am really going to miss this place,” I whispered distantly.

            “You are always welcome here, Nimalia.” Arwen took my hand firmly. I smiled sheepishly at her. “Do not forget about us.”

            “How could I?” I giggled. “You have all been so nice to me. Oh, and if that Man should visit you and ask about me, could you tell him that I am thankful for him finding me that day, and that I am finally returning home?”

            “I will pass along the message if I see him.”

            “Thank you.”

            “Now, I think I should let you be. You are to leave in the morning.”

            “What about food and everything?” I probed.

            “Legolas has that already taken care of,” Arwen assured me. “I suggest you sleep now so you will be well rested.”

            Wordlessly, Arwen left my balcony, leaving me in peace in my room. I admired the sky for another few minutes before heading to bed. My stomach churned in excitement as I tried to settle into sleep. Tomorrow, I would start the journey home!


*     *     *

            Sleep had come to me but only for a short while that night. Anticipation of leaving for Lórien kept me awake. It took me what seemed like forever before my body and mind were convinced to go to sleep.

            I rose early to quickly change into the outfit I had picked out yesterday from Arwen. The dress was a pale lavender and felt easy to maneuver in. I quickly combed my hair with my fingers, letting the frizzy waves fall. I made sure to grab the pack and sling it over my shoulder.

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