X. What's Best

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X. What’s Best

            It did not look as though the ceremony had even begun by the time the guard and I came upon the scene. A few of the Elves were startled, accompanied by guards to settle them down. It looked as though the worst had happened as the guard and I were galloping to their aid. Whatever décor had been set up was torn down. We had just missed the action. It was a pity too; I was ready to test how well I could swing a sword around with no experience.

            Lady Galadriel was with Nikita, talking to her in whispers. I wondered where Legolas was right now. Was he with the other guards still, trying to track down the Wild Men?

            It was still hard to believe that they were so persistent, so insistent to reclaim me that they would go through all this trouble to find me. They destroyed what would have been a lovely union between two Elves, all because of me. I felt burdened with them, like they were a disease I could not shake.

            If Legolas had not offered to take me home, the wedding would have gone on as planned. It would not have been ruined by an ambush by Wild Men. Had they intended on coming just for me, or were they planning to kidnap others? I blanched at the thought. No Elf, whether male or female, deserved to be in their vile hands.

            The guard slipped off of Thalias, walking briskly to Lady Galadriel and Nikita. I could only observe in horror. So many Elves looked stunned, some more frightened. I knotted my fingers in Thalias’ mane, hearing my pulse thump in my ears. This is all my fault. The ceremony did not happen because of me. I am responsible.

            “What are you doing with that?”

            I jumped, seeing Legolas stand beside me on my left. He was in different attire, more formal attire. He had been preparing before this chaos erupted. I could not deny that he did look dashing.

Focus. Remember the question. My thoughts refocused. Legolas was talking about the sword I held limply at my side.

            “It was in case something happened,” I said quietly. I nodded towards the guard with Galadriel and Nikita. “He lent it to me.”

            “You with a weapon is a little strange, Nimalia.” He gently pried the weapon out of my hands. I frowned. “The danger has passed; there is no need to have it on you.”

            “Did you get into trouble?”

            “A little bit, but you would never know it.”

            “No, I would not,” I agreed. I nodded towards Nikita. “Go to her, she may want you there with her.”

            “Are you sure? You look as though you have seen a ghost.”

            “In a way, I did.” I swallowed. “But do not worry about me. Go to her. Besides, I have Thalias to watch over me.”

            “You gave him a name?”

            “I will tell you the story behind it when I can.”        

            Legolas handed me back the sword and lingered another moment more before going to his betrothed and Lady Galadriel. I sat in silence atop Thalias, listening. Since I was very bad with my Elvish, all I heard was beautiful words in the air. I could understand nothing, which infuriated me. Damn the Wild Men to the fiery pits of hell for taking that away from me.

A Silver Lining (Lord of the Rings) [Legolas]Where stories live. Discover now