VII. Settling In

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 VII. Settling In

            Nikita was an exceptional hostess; she tried to make me as comfortable as possible in her flet. I gently declined any offer of food or drink even though the idea slowly crept up on me. I could tell that Nikita, like almost anyone else who had met me, wanted to know about my past. She kept asking questions while trying to slip in others, thinking that I would give her an answer. Cleverly, I avoided answering any uncomfortable questions asked of me.

            Legolas did not come back to join us for a while. In all honesty, it was nice to talk to another woman. In a way, it was déjà vu for me since Arwen and I, in my short time in the White City, had one-on-one talks like this. My heart ached slightly at missing the Queen of Gondor.

            If I felt confident and safe enough, I would make a trip back to Gondor to visit her and catch her up on everything since I left.  

            While Nikita was away fetching drinks, even though I insisted that I was not thirsty for the hundredth time, I tested my shoulder. Surely the Elves here had to have medical supplies. I needed fresh dressings on my shoulder. Maybe they had some special remedy for wounds like mine.

            Yet, how often did they treat arrow wounds to the shoulder?

            “Did you do something to your shoulder?” Nikita asked. I turned my gaze to her. She crossed the floor to hand me my drink.

            “I did not do anything to it,” I said. “I was…” I bit my cheek, wondering if Nikita had a right to know. I felt like I could not lie to her, I hated lying as it was. Nikita watched me patiently, waiting for my answer.

            “Let me guess,” she teased, “it is complicated.”

            “Actually, it is. I do not want you to worry about me.”

            “I was asking out of curiosity. Did you dislocate it?”

            “I did not.” Nikita advanced on me, I retreated from her. “I do not think you want to see it.”

            “Is it that bad?” she inquired.

            “Well, no—”

            “Then I think I can deal with the sight of it.”

            I sighed through my nostrils as I let Nikita approach me, slipping down the shoulder of my outfit. Her eyes bugged slightly, taking in what she saw. Her mouth dropped a small fraction, her eyes met mine, and questions swam within them.

            “I was attacked,” I deadpanned.

            “Attacked? Why? By whom?” she pressed me.

            “As we rode here, we were tracked by a scout.”

            “Who would want to come after you and Legolas?”

            “They were not after him so much as me.”


            “Let’s just say I have a long past with the group the scout tangled himself in,” I said shortly.

            Nikita’s lips pursed. “All right, we will leave it at that. By the way, I never got your name.”

            “Nimalia,” I said, a smile playing on my lips. I must have looked stupid for grinning so big like I did, but I could not help it. This was the most I had heard my name since I was very young.

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