XIV. Out in the Open

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XIV. Out in the Open

            It did not take me long to settle into my room in Greenwood. While I was getting used to my surroundings, I was mainly left alone. I assumed Legolas and Nikita were trying to convince the king to let them marry. My mood did dip at times, seeing as Legolas could not find the time to check in on me. Though, I was fine without seeing him. I had Halian to talk to. She had this aura about her that told me that I could talk to her and trust her.

            Normally, to Elves, a few weeks were only a second. However, to me, they were painfully long. While I bonded with Halian, my friendship with Legolas seemed to be fading. It had to be because of Nikita, I could see no other culprit. She obviously guarded her beloved a little too much. Surely Legolas can think for himself. He may take her words into consideration, but he and I share a connection. He cannot throw other bonds away solely for her. She would be controlling him. Was that what was going on now? Was Nikita keeping Legolas close by, taking away his privileges?

            If she was paranoid, I was going to have to talk Legolas out of marrying her. If he was not blinded by love, he would see what Nikita was trying to do to him. Of course, I had to get him alone first before I could even tell him what Nikita had said to me back in the forest.

            Since I was not happy to be confined within the kingdom walls, I often found myself stepping outside. The first few times, I had been skeptical due to the nagging thought in the back of my head about the Men. But, as the time passed, the thought all but disappeared. I would find myself wandering almost the entire day, admiring the nature, calling to the chattering birds.

            That was where I was currently, outside. Lately, I had developed an interest in climbing trees. Even though it was hardly appropriate to climb in a dress, I still did so anyway. The height did not bother me, as I knew that if I fell, I had plenty branches below to catch myself on. I would sometimes find bird nests, some with eggs that had yet to be hatched.

            I sat against the bark of the tree, letting the cool breeze ruffle the leaves, branches, and my hair around me. This forest had a more lively air compared to Lórien. Maybe it was because there was a greater presence of guards around that I took notice of. Though they mainly stood guard and did little action, they looked ready to fight at a second’s notice.

            My heart ached at the thought of my home. I exhaled slowly through my nostrils, trying to push away the disastrous day from my mind. I was thankful that no one had been taken. They are not smart enough to think of that, they are so focused on finding me to kill me.

            I was not so worried about the Men finding Greenwood as I was about Nikita. Though she did not look physically intimidating, her words were hurting me. She had to be the reason why Legolas was not seeking me out to talk to me. I had not been on any rides with him since I arrived; I had not ridden Thalias since we had gotten here. I was missing my riding partner.

            I let one leg dangle over the side of the branch I sat on, swinging it gently. I rested my head against the bark, closing my eyes. If I did not know any better, with what noises I was hearing, I could have easily thought I was back home in Lórien. But I could tell some differences even though my eyes were closed. Here in Greenwood, the trees were not as close together, so more sunlight was able to peek through and reach the ground. The Elves here did not sing either; those at home did sometimes while I stayed there.

            My ears picked up something different than the usual forest noises: footsteps. They had to be an Elf’s, only because we were very light on our feet. If it were Men, they would be loud and obnoxious, not very sneaky. I opened my eyes and cast them down towards the ground to see if I could find the said Elf.

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