XI. Another Journey

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XI. Another Journey

            I should have known better than to argue with Legolas when it came to my protection. I was not a good debater; it was a good thing I did not aspire to go into politics. He had so many points against me that there was no point in pointlessly arguing with him for hours on the matter.

            We were to set off today. While I waited, I stayed with Thalias, muttering to him how ridiculous this all was, wishing how I could turn back time and change my past. If only all of them had been destroyed during the War of the Ring. I shook my head in dismay.

            Some beings on this earth deserved a dagger to the heart.

            “It is time.”

            I grimaced at hearing his voice. I did not look at him.

            “You said you wanted to leave as soon as possible. You have not changed your mind, have you?”

            “No,” I spat sharply. I cringed, realizing Nikita was with him. How could I have forgotten she was coming along as well? They were the ideal couple: where one went, the other followed. They were so loyal to each other; it made me a bit envious of what they had.

            “Mount, and we will leave,” Legolas said calmly.

            With a dark cloud over my head, I jumped onto Thalias, adjusting myself on his back. Like many times before, I was to go on this journey bareback. Legolas did not share my love for the riding style and did not want to risk Nikita any harm, so he decided to get them both a saddle. Sadly, another horse could not be spared for Nikita, so she was to ride with her husband-to-be. At least the horse would not be crushed by their combined weight.

            A little moody, I kicked Thalias out of spite, causing him to leap forward.

            “Sorry,” I whispered to him. “I should know better than to take my anger out on you. You have done nothing wrong.” I patted his neck. I fell mute when Legolas matched his mare’s pace with Thalias’.

            From the corner of my eye, I saw Nikita throw me a pitiful look. If anything, I felt bad for her more so than me. If it was not for Legolas, they would not be carrying me as baggage. Why did he think to take care of two things at once by traveling there?


            “So it is true,” Nikita told me. “You are leaving.”

            “Yes,” I confirmed. “I would rather lead the danger away from home.”

            “I do not understand why they insist on having you.”

            “They are not well in the mind, who knows why they do what they do.” I shrugged. “D-did Legolas mention the plan?”

            “Oh yes, he told me all about your disagreements.” She sighed. “He did talk to me about it. I am not happy about agreeing with his plan, but sadly, it is hard to say no to him.” She smiled to herself.

            “I told him it was wrong of him to go with me and leave you here.”

            “He told me that. However, he might have failed to talk to you before you came to me, because I am coming along.”

A Silver Lining (Lord of the Rings) [Legolas]Where stories live. Discover now