First steps

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The day had come and Bucky was nervous on a level that could no longer be measured. He even felt too sick to eat in the morning, even though Steve tried to make him. He hadn't managed to sleep much that night either. His brain had been buzzing with worries and hopes and excitement, laying on his back, staring at the ceiling. He couldn't sit still for more than a few seconds now, having left the bed as soon as Steve stirred the tiniest millimeter in the morning.

"We are only going to look at dogs today! We won't bring one home just yet. Calm down, Buck" , Steve laughed, his eyes full of affection while pushing the fruit bowl in his boyfriend's direction. Bucky looked at him, his eyes glowing bright, just like those of a child that was about to open a present of which it already knew that it would contain the thing it desperately wanted to have.

"But that's a big thing, isn't it? Just think of all the cute dogs we'll be seeing today! We'll meet our new best friend, our new child, our new flatmate today! Why shouldn't I be nervous?" , asked Bucky, raising an eyebrow at Steve who smiled back at him.

How could Steve not be nervous? How could he not be running in a circle, his stomach upset and butterflies going wild. Today was the day! Hadn't he realised what Bucky just pointed out? How big of a thing it was to actually see the dog? It would make things even clearer, better to understand and final. That was amazing, breathtaking, unbelievable, great, ... Bucky wasn't sure what else to call it.

"You're right, Buck, it is a big thing. I'd probably be just as nervous as you are if your amazement wouldn't make me that happy. Best way to calm my nerves" , explained Steve while preparing his cereals.

"Pfff... Eat faster!" , commanded Bucky, grinning. He wouldn't calm down though, he simply couldn't.

He could barely keep still while Steve ate his bowl of cereals. He paced up and down in front of the bathroom door while Steve took a shower. He threw clothes at Steve as soon as he stepped out of the bathroom, covered in a towel.

"Get dressed, we're leaving!" , he proclaimed while wrapping himself in his jacket and getting tangled in one of his sleeves. Steve laughed and watched his boyfriend struggle for a while, standing there with his hair wet and still not dressed. His clothes had fallen to the floor in front of him.

Then he took pity in his boyfriend's desperate struggle with the jacked and forward to gently adjust Bucky's jacket. With his hands still resting on hisboyfriend's shoulder he spun him around which made Bucky's shoulder long hair swing behind him like that of a princess.

"A kiss, to calm you down?" , he inquiered, tilting his head a little and raising an eyebrow. Bucky grinned. Even though he was as nervous as he was going to get he was all fine with a kissy interruption.

"A kiss to calm me down. Or two" , he replied, already leaning in. Steve laughed and placed his lips on Bucky's, gently moving them in their familiar pattern. He could feel his boyfriend's nervousity in the way he moved his mouth on his. Faster than normal and a little shaky.

After a few seconds Bucky pulled away, looking a little calmer.

"Did it help?" , asked Steve, chuckling. Bucky nodded and disappeared in the kitchen to return with a plum in his hand which he dug his teeth into just as he reached Steve.

"Eating again, I see. I should advertise my kisses then. 'You're relatives refuse to eat? You are worried about them? No problem, Steve Rogers got your back.With only one short kiss he will make your loved one eat again. Rent now for 20 $ only.'" , he joked. Bucky raised an eyebrow, gulped his plum down and replied: "You'd be pretty busy then though. Everyone would stop eating at once just to get you give them a kiss. I dare say that I would be a little jealous if you were off all day, kissing beautiful strangers, maybe not returning one day because you found someone better then me."

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