the kitchen

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Bucky POV (third person limited narrator)

Bucky was downright ecstatic when he put his (slightly burned) chicken and the (veeery soft) rice down in front of Trauma and he instantly started to eat.

This little action already felt like a success. The fact that Trauma had been staring at the food every since Bucky had put it in the pan and had actually started wagging his tail when he was about to receive the food had his heart jump. Butterflies were flying around in his stomach and he felt so full of enegry that he didn't know where to put it. He could have run a marathon there and then.

"Look! Steve! Look! He's eating! He's eating!" , he blurted out while jumping up and down like a child and pointing at the dog. Trauma stopped chewing to turn his head and look at the childish of his black headed human and there was a certain resignation in his eyes. Bucky didn't care. May the dog judge him, he was happy.

Steve laughed at the scene but there was relief in his expression and Bucky guessed that he was just happy that they didn't have to forcefeed the new family member. He was glad that they didn't have to do that too. The force feeding part hadn't seemed very pleasant and a dog had sharp, strong teeth that could punkture the slin easily. And hands are pretty close to the mouth when you try to forcefeed a dog. The good thing was that Bucky did only have one hand left he could lose.

"I think your little kangaroo act is scaring him, Buck. Calm down a little and let him eat in peace" , laughed Steve while restraining his boyfriend from further jumping by grabbing him around the waist and pulling him closer.

Bucky turned in Steve's grip so that he faced him directly and rested his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. He breathed in the familiar scent that meant safety and happiness and trust and smiled a little avainst the fabric.

"I am really happy, Steve. I want to hug the whole world and tell them about this dog and how he's eating. I want to record it and keep it burned into my brain until my very last breath. Thank you, Steve. Thank you for letting me get this dog. You made me the happiest man alive", Bucky whispered. He didn't care if Steve heard it or not. This words hadn't been formed for him. They had been formed for Bucky. He had to say them, had to get them out. They were like horses in panic. They couldn't be contained or they'd do serious damage.

Steve had been listening closely though and now he gently pushed Bucky away alittle. Just enough to be able to look into his eyes. He didn't say anything but Bucky saw the gleam in his boyfriend's impressively blue iris. It was the same happiness that filled him. Something that had to be spoken but couldn't actually be. Steve didn't even try. He didn't speak. He just leaned in and pressed his soft, warm lips against Bucky's.

The former winter soldier smiled while kissing his boyfriend back. They exchanged what they couldn't have exchanged with words. Their emotions washed over them for a second and Bucky got lost in the touch and the mysterious rhythm of their love for a second. Or eternity, he really couldn't tell. What was the difference anyway between a second and eternity? Was there a difference? Bucky wasn't sure.

And then the touch of Steve's lips was gone and the former winter soldier inhaled deeply, the taste of his boyfriend memorized, never to be forgotten. They both smiled at each other for another eternity like the lovedrunk idiots they were.

The noise of claws on tiles made them snap out of their little trance and Bucky turned his head, a little unwillingly. Trauma had finished his food. It hadn't been much in the first place since they had been told to slowly increase the amount of food he received. The dog was trotting through the room and then he stopped and looked up at the two men, seemingly not knowing what to do. Steve shrugged while Bucky moved his hand as slowly as he could, offering the dog to sniff it. Trauma did so, taking in the man's scent. He didn't seem worried or anything so Bucky tried petting his head. Trauma let him do so without showing any sign of unwillingness.

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