Many dogs

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There were so many dogs. There was also a lot of barking and jumping and tail wagging, but mostly dogs. And they all were adorable. 

Buckg and Steve stood and stared for some seconds, taking in the massive number of creatures trying to get their attention. Where the hell were they to turn to? Where was the "if the dog looks like this it's the perfect one for you" guide who smiled at them and led their way to the right kennel?

"We... I..." , stuttered Bucky, his eyes wide with awe.

"I agree" , breathed Steve, his eyes just as wide as his boyfriend.

"I thought it would be easier" , admittd Bucky, looking at Steve, worry in his eyes. Maybe this was a bad idea after all.

"We haven't even started yet, Buck" , laughed Steve, relaxing visibly as if he had been snapped out of a trance.

"It's going to be alright, I'll lead the way. If we just get moving we'll feel better" , stated Steve. Bucky wasn't sure if he believed it himself though.

So they started to walk along the aisle between the dog kennels. They didn't get far.

Just a few steps in Steve pulled his boyfriend over to a kennel holding a beautiful crossbreed that was nearly falling over with happiness. It also cotributed its part to the barking. Saying that its tail was wagging would have been an understatement. The whole dog was wagging. It was impressively overweight, it's little fat rolls wobbling along with it. It's white coat made ot look like an oversized piece of soap.

"Look, he is cute", stated Steve while kneeling down and looking at the amazed dog. Bucky grinned and made to study the file that was pinned to the kennel door. The dog really was cute.

"It's a girl, her name is Finja and she has already been adopted it seems, sorry Steve. And it says here that she will be a real challenge because she suffers from heart problems and diabetes due to her weight problems", sighed Buck. Steve pouted, then he got up.

"So she won't become our dog then. Let's find a dog that matches our fit bodies" , he stated and started marching forward, looking at all of the adorable, pure souls that were waiting for a new home. Some were fearful, others weren't. There were aggressive ones and lethargic ones. There was overall a great diversity of god characters to be found in that shelter. They would find a fitting personality.

Bucky fell in love with a black greyhound cup which's name was Loki. He wasn't fearful at all when Bucky put his metal arm in the kennel (after reading the "don't pet the dogs, they may bite"-sign that was attached to all the kennels and deciding to ignore it. A metal arm is damn hard to rip off after all.) and tried to pet him. The tiny dog was bouncing around in it's kennel, licking Bucky's metal hand whenever it could reach it. Petting it was a tough task and Bucky failed miserably. This ball of energy on four legs was just too fast.

"Why do people even name their pets after this guy? Loki I mean. He's a villain and was willing to destroy New York and take over the world. Still people like to give this name to pure, innocent dogs and cats. They can't fight it!" , complained Steve who stood behind Bucky, watching him in his desperate attempts at petting the hyperactive creature. He was recalling the battle of New York and the destruction and problems which came with the fight. Bucky laughed wholeheartedly. Steve frowned at him, puzzled.

"I've never met this Loki guy, but isn't he the god of mischief? I mean, that would probably work for many pets. Being named after the god of mischief I mean. Since many of them are up to doing bad stuff. Like, not really bad. They are no humans. They aren't truly bad or evil. More like things that people dislike. I don't know, ripping sofas apart and chewing things and all that. Look at this bouncy pupper. He would definitely do some mischief. I am pretty sure of that. Maybe eat the sofa for breakfast" , said Bucky, still trying to per the hyperactive dog.

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