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Khushi's POV.

Anita, the name that finally brought out the little boy in Arnav.

Three of our employees have all ready fainted upon seeing the great ASR playing in the rain with his Anu (yes you heard right Anu the special name ASR has given to Anita). Even though she lost 6 years of her life due Anjali's evilness, Devi Maiya finally granted her a second chance to be with her brother and finally have a family.

Immediately Anita introduced herself Arnav immediately hugged her and cried uncontrollably because one look at Anita and Ratna maa's photo will make you realise that she was indeed Arnav's sister and Ratna maa's daughter. It took a lot of time to calm down Arnav that faithful day and when he finally did ,that was when Anita narrated her life story.

She grew up in an orphanage on the outskirts of Lucknow after the man who was hired to dispose of her had a change of heart and decided to leave her at the orphanage. She left the orphanage when she was 18 and work odd jobs here and there until she was 30. A few days to her 31st birthday she rescued a man who was hit by a car and left for dead. After the man gain consciousness he immediately realized she was the child he gave up as she was the Xerox copy of her mother. For redemption he decided to tell Anita about her origin and since Arnav was a popular man it wasn't hard for her to find him but fate played a cruel game on her as Anjali was the first to find out about her and instead of making her presence and existence known to the family she rather lured her to the isolated street close of the temple and run her over and to avoid any suspicion, Anjali made everyone believe the car was tempered with, paid the driver into silence and made up the story of being pregnant. Anita was found badly injured and slip into a coma. She woke up a year and half ago but was scared to approach Arnav because of Anjali but a few days back she saw an old article about Anjali's arrest and death and gathered the courage to approach her brother and here we are now. One big happy family.

Thank you all for supporting me. This is the end of my first story. I know it's not that good but am overwhelmed with the support you guys have given me.


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