Beds and Sleep Again

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Do you ever wake up from a wonderful dream and then go back to sleep, hoping there would be a sequel?

*6 am wakes up, opens eyes*
Me everyday: Oh my God I can't wait to go back to sleep tonight

Maybe, your eyes water when you yawn because you are feeling sleepy and you are missing your bed a lot!

Life tip I follow: if nothing in your life is going right, go to sleep.

Friend: at what time do you go to sleep?
Me: 10:30ish. Sometimes 4.

Roses are red,
Enough, I'm going to bed.

Why is sleeping lazy but going to bed early not?

I love sleeping. It's like being dead without the commitment.

Going to bed for a some madly passionate enthusiastic earth shattering mind blowing rest. Also called Sleep.

Blanket off: too cold
Blanket onv too hot
One leg out: perfect!

Am I the only one who sleeps in a blanket regardless the season?? Anybody else feel me?

When I go to bed, 90% of the time I'm just making imaginary scenarios and scripts in my head that I know wouldn't ever happen.

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