Final Chaps

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Just couldn't resist putting these thoughts in the book. There's a lot. So enjoy!

1. Anxiety is like video gane combat music playing but you are unable to find the enemies.

2. There should be a reality show where flat earthers are made to find the edge of earth. More fun would be:
Flat Earthers vs Hollow Partners : The race against reason

3. A different version if everyone is present in our mind. So is a different version of you present in everybody else's minds.

4. When we're young, we sneak out of homes to go to parties. When we grow old, we sneak out of parties to go home.

5. If you run at 11pm, you are might person. If you run at 5am, you are morning person. If you run at 3pm, you are suspicious person.

6. On special occasions, girls with curly hair straighten them and those with straight hait curl them.

7. It's not fair that coffee stains your teeth brown but milk doesnt stain them white.

8. Making typo in online argument is like a voice crack in verbal argument.

9. Its weird to think that night time is the natural state of universe and day time is caused just dut to a nearby ball if flame.

10. The worst scam was mom saying that if you say the truth I'll not get angry.

11. Social anxiety is like having conspiracy theories about yourself.

12. 8 hours of eating is binge eating, 8 hours of watching tv is binge watching and 8 hours of sleep is barely sleeping. Can't help.

13. Ducks can swim, walk and fly. They can access all terrain. Ultimate animals.

14. The brain named itself ofcoirs but it was surprised on realising that it named itself.

15. Drinking water with minty mouth is the cold version of spicy.

16. Only one sock goes missing because If both did, you wouldn't even notice.

17. Eating lunch alone as a child is torture but as an adult, it's a treat.

18. Peer pressure as an adult is seeing you neighbour mow their lawn. Or do laundry. Or make good food.

19. It's common for babies to sleep in a location and wake up in another. As an adult, it is terrifying

20. Knowledge is knowing that you can carry all grocery stuff at once.
Wisdom is making multiple small trios so that when you return, other family members are done putting mist of the groceries.
Loneliness is knowing you have to do it all by yourself anyway.

21. Watching a graduation ceremony is like watching a movie with only end credits.

22. It is a relief to realise that you don't have to face the repercussions in your real life of your terrible decisions in your stupid dream.

23. By law, our cars have to road worthy but roads don't have to be car worthy.

24. The voice in your head doesn't breath. The voice in your head doesn't have different volumes whether you shout ir whisper. You can scream endlessly in your mind.
Fun fact: There's no law against screaming openly. You can scream anytime, anywhere.

25. An underrated perk of being an adult is that you never outgrow your clothes.

26. If the thumb is not a finger, there is no middle finger.

27. Peak productivity is when you are so lazy that you do all if your work in advance so as to avoid doing later.

28. As a kid, you are bullied by those who don't like you and your friends are nice. As an adult, you are bullied by your friends and those who don't like you are nice to you.

29. Being shot with an arrow is a long distance stabbed.

Adding a few more in the next chapter! Do read!! Also vote and comment wherever possible!!!:) It would mean a lot to me!:)

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