Ch 2

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Word count: 2134


Walking into the building, Monica greeted the two guards who replied her warmly at the entrance before making her way into the reception.

The sound of her heels clanking against the tiled floor resonated around her and her silk tee-shirt hugged her torso firmly, accepting the pointed shape of the two mounds on her chest as they stretched them out. She was a sight to behold as her recently trimmed, shoulder length honey pecan hair bobbed repeatedly over her shoulder with each bold step she took.

“Good morning ma’am.” The assistant manager for the computer department greeted, walking from another passage and falling in line with Monica’s walking pace.

He was a tall, lanky guy and Monica knew him to be a heavy flirt. The whole company knew him for that too.

“Good morning Peter. How did your weekend go?” Monica asked and flashed him a small smile.

“You really want to know?” Came the response with a crude smile.

“Or not. I’ll pass.” She giggled with a contorted expression at whatever he might be reminiscing as his expression suddenly told her his mind was far away. While Peter took another route towards his destination, she kept walking and finally made her way towards the elevator, watching so many people squeeze themselves in before it closed shut.

Approaching it, she patiently tapped her left foot and waited for the elevator to come to a stop, before pressing the silver upward arrow.

Walking into it as it parted, she adjusted her black pencil skirt and took a deep breath, mentally doing a checklist of all that was needed for the project presentation and confirming they had all been sorted out with the usual phone calls.

Just as the elevator door was about to be shut, someone stopped it by putting a leg in. The shiny polished Italian shoe was what she first saw as she had been busy with her head hung low as she planned her day.

Absentmindedly, Monica trailed her gaze from the person’s leg upwards. With eyes large as saucers, her breath immediately got caught in her throat when she recognized that face.

Deep chocolate brown eyes with intense seriousness in them were staring back at her. The defined cheekbones adjusted slightly as the person’s lips stretched into a small, almost unnoticeable smirk and a perfectly arched brow rose.

She noticed the small smirk slowly stretch into a wolfish grin on his lips when he met her eyes. Monica couldn’t think properly for a second there, her head was a jumbled mess.

“Long time no see.” Sucre Ambrosia’s powerful, rich and dominating voice spoke first as he stepped into the elevator, adding a knowing effect to the ‘see’ word as the door got shut.
Monica gulped. Her ex-husband and the father of a child he probably didn’t know existed stood right before her, in the elevator and they were alone. She knew so many things could happen within a short time and that sent her heart beating several miles per second.

She allowed her eyes roam over his figure for a while, taking a sour but also a bit too grateful note in the fact that he hadn’t changed much over the years.
He was just the way she remembered him.

Sucre was a sight to behold with the lone strand of his sleek black hair elegantly dangling over his forehead. It was still the same style he usually combed it into; straight to the back.

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