Ch 18

22.5K 795 37

Word count: 2180


"Are you going out today again mommy?"

"Yes baby."

Monica didn't bother looking at her daughter, who had stressed the word 'again'. Stephanie's face scrunched up in confusion from the reading table she was hunched over. There were several crayons scattered over the open page where a butterfly had been sketched.

The three year old had chosen pink top and blue jeans to wear since that was what her mom was also wearing and Stephanie had thought they would have a nice time staying in or go out to the park like they used to do on some school free days.

The little girl couldn't comprehend her mother's actions. She was going out so much nowadays but at least that meant she got to see her daddy more. She liked her daddy; he was fun and didn't spank her bum but corrected her in a way that would make her not repeat the same mistake anyway.

Stephanie thought her daddy was like superman because he was so tall and cool at the same time. She loved her daddy. But Stephanie still wanted her daddy and mommy to sit at home and play with her together. She'd seen it happen in movies and even some of her friends got dropped in school by their parents.

"Again?" Her eyes widened incredulously all the same, as she wished her mother would stay at home at least today. "Why?"

"I need to go out. It's...relaxing." Monica was going through some files, her face in a concentrated expression.

"Oh." Stephanie drawled. Relax. She too needed to relax from school and sports and home works since today was a no school day. "So where are you going?"

"On a date." Monica sighed.

Her eyes shone in excitement. She had been on a play date with her friend a few times. It was always fun. "Can I come?"


The little girl frowned, "Why?"

"A date is for...for adults."

"Not play-dates?" Stephanie frowned.

"No, a man and a woman go on dates, Stephanie. Not children."

"A man and a woman?" Her big eyes inquired, genuinely poking for answers as curiosity ate at her insides. "Nana told me a man and woman are adults. When I grow up and get very tall and more beautiful, I'll become a adult."

"Nana is right, and you're very pretty now too. The most pretty girl I've ever since. Also, you say 'an adult' not 'a adult."

"Oh, 'an adult'. Thanks momma." Stephanie giggled. "Are you going with Aunt Veronica?"

"No baby, I'm not."

The girl couldn't understand. If mommy wasn't going with Aunt Veronica, then who else could she go with? Definitely it would be another adult. Stephanie's interest was piqued.

"So you and daddy are going on a date." She said in a conclusive tone. She giggled.

Monica heaved a sigh. Her chatterbox of a daughter was always curious and didn't know when to stop talking.

"No baby. Enough with the questions now, continue with your drawings. Your dad will be here anytime soon." Stephanie jumped up and ran around the sofa Monica was sitting in circles, throwing her fist into the air in a celebratory way.

"Yay. You can go on your date, I and daddy will have a good alone time. It's fun!" Stephanie giggled again and went back to chattering about things that they could do when mommy was away. "Daddy and Stephanie to the rescue!"

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