Ch 14

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Word count: 2767


It was another day at the office and Monica was prepared for the busy day ahead. Of all the things she was grateful for, the greatest was that she and her ex-husband had been surprisingly civil with each other. Her daughter was doing great in school; she would be meeting her ex-husband's grandmother in a day or two and would then start dating again. What more could she ask for?

Getting back to her typing, she was engrossed in it when the landline rang beside her.

"Monica O'Brien on the line." She answered monotonously.

"Mrs. Ambrosia, please come to my office right away." The cold voice of her boss instructed. He failed to call her by her father's name. Monica rolled her eyes and resisted the urge to scoff.

"Alright sir." Monica dropped the receiver and suspended her work, heading over to Sucre's office. She looked him over in the gigantic chair he was sitting and her face went void of any emotion.

"Mrs. Ambrosia, I need you to go over to John and sons cooperation and represent me in their stockholders meeting. Then you'll get me the two suits that I ordered from Mr. Grey, and then attend to a mail I'll receive at twelve PM sharp and reply them according to what I've written on this paper. Before that, make a reservation for one o'clock at Roosevelt diner because I will be having a visitor later today."

Monica's shoulder slumped slightly. She usually did all these amount of work on some days but to finish them within what? Five hours?

Her eyes narrowed into slits as she began to consider sending out her CV to some other companies and resigning from this one. Ever since Sucre joined the company, he seemed to be overbearing. Sometimes, he would make sure she did nothing all day and sometimes, he'd make sure to use her thoroughly till she was beat like a tattered zombie.

At least the CEOs in other companies wouldn't be this demanding and she didn't have any past relationships with them.

"Will that be all, sir?" She asked cockily.

"Er..." Sucre finally raised his head from the tablet he was previously immersed in to finally look at the woman he'd been having carnal, animalistic hunger for since the past few weeks. His eyes went over to her and they shamelessly lingered on her breasts. He wasn't sorry.

Befuddled, Monica crossed her arms over her chest to raise her breasts up. If he wanted to shamelessly ogle her, then he should at least get the whole package. Sucre took a gulp as he looked up at the damn temptress. She was doing this intentionally and he frowned at her, hoping she would never fold her arms right in front of any other man and give them this tempting view.

He reached out as if he wanted to pick a file and the numerous files piled on his table slid down slowly, pushing the pen holder at the end of the table to the edge.

At the last second, the wooden pen holder fell and its numerous contents poured all over the ground, making clanking sounds.

"Oh!" Monica quickly bent to pick them and Sucre leaned over the table, slightly disgusted at his own childish antics as he hungrily leered down at his oblivious prey.

In all his life, he never thought he could resort to this kind of a scheme just to get a view of a woman's cleavage and possibly her milky breasts. Women openly flirted with him, without shame but this woman would do just about anything to be away from him and he was still pursuing her with heated interest.

Sucre heaved a disturbed sigh. And when he got the view he was desperately panting for, his mouth went dry. The woman had no idea she was causing so much reaction from her husband. He was still her husband, since he'd refused to sign the divorce papers.

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