Ch 11

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Word count: 1531



Monica sat back on her chair at the little dining and washed her hands in the washing-hand bowl.

"Mommy, answer me. Pleassee..."

She stirred her tea and ignored Stephanie's ramblings. She guessed what her daughter was about to ask and didn't even want to hear it. She adjusted Stephanie's purple bow and went back to her breakfast which was wheat bread and tea.

"Mommy when is daddy coming home?" Stephanie finally voiced out her mumbled questions.

Monica heaved a sigh. Stephanie Just mentioned home. There was no home for Sucre here. She was tired of repeating the same thing to her daughter every morning. Sucre hadn't come around since three weeks ago, and that was after he asked his college friend, Tommy to pick her from school.

Monica remembered their discussion about her dating again as she had tended to him when he was sick and her stomach grumbled in panic at how they had argued over it but she shook off the thought. Her dating life was not his business and she'd be damned if he felt like it was.

Ever since that evening when he'd been over at her place, Stephanie would keep asking of him every morning. It was now a morning ritual.

Also, Monica hadn't told her daughter about the illness because there were enough things for her to ramble about daily. Monica ignored Stephanie for a while and poured the whole milk into the oats, shaking her head when Stephanie pouted and asked again.

Anyone would easily think Monica had adopted Sucre with how Stephanie kept pestering her for her father.

"You're not answering me!" Stephanie pouted.

"Your daddy has so many things to tend to, baby. He will come when he is through with them." Monica assured calmly.

Nothing was going to disturb the peacefulness she'd planned for her day, especially not the thought of Sucre.

"When will he be through...?"

"With?" She almost forgot what they were talking about as she thought of a proposal she was yet to review at the office since the previous day, which of course was still calmly sitting in Sucre's mail.

"The work...or the many things! Or what it is that's keeping him busy." Stephanie laid the needed emphasis on each word, her eyes wide for response.

Monica heaved a sigh and her shoulders slumped. "I don't know."

"Why don't you know?"

"Because I just don't know."

"You know. He is my daddy and you are my mommy."

Monica gave her a look of bewilderment, exhaustion threatening to break her strong resolve. She loved Stephanie to the moon and back but the girl tended to talk too much sometimes. Talk too much! Her gaze was firm. "I just don't know. Now eat up."

Stephanie humped and folded her arms across her chest.

"Oh no honey, you won't give me an attitude. Pick up the spoon right now." Monica commanded and Stephanie did with a pout. Her phone rang from the other end of the table and Stephanie passed it to her, glancing over the screen first.

A cheeky grin spread on her face, displaying her front tooth which was now almost completely out, compared to a few weeks ago when the tooth were absent.

Monica, for a brief moment just stared at Stephanie. Such a free spirited girl she was.

Hadn't she just scolded her? Yet Stephanie held no resentment in her expression and she had just totally forgotten that her mother was scolding her. If only she could also forget things that way and move on. Would her life with Sucre have been better if she had just forgotten?

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