Ch 17

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Word count: 2763


It was another busy morning at the Petsmoni Company, with the workers hurrying about to get their designated works done. The employees had just been informed about the end of the year party which was coming up in December, and each department had been delegated their departmental duties.

Monica had been busy since the second she stepped into the office, directing partners, postponing and scheduling meetings, replying emails and the likes. All in all, she was so busy that even though it was past eleven, she had no time to order lunch for herself and her boss, Sucre. She was just concluding a short meeting with a new affiliate firm when the intercom buzzed.

"Monica O'Brien from the Petsmoni industries on the line." She replied in her automated tone, ready to get on with whatever the person wanted so she could request for the report from Mark Jones at the finance department.

"Please come into my office briefly, Mrs. Ambrosia." Sucre ordered.

"Alright sir." Monica heaved a deep sigh and quickly dropped the receiver. Getting up, she hurriedly sorted out her works to make her desk a bit more presentable and made her way to his office.

Sucre's eyes shot up from his white apple laptop and they slowly took in the beautiful but tired look of his lovely wife.

She was beat, but she would never lag in her duties regardless and that put a smile on Sucre's face. She'd been the best assistant he'd had and would ever have because not only was she efficient and trustworthy, she never brought her personal matters to the office.

A part of Sucre wished she would, and maybe show some sort of emotions but he was still glad she made him sit uptight whenever he began to lag behind. He was the boss after all.

"Please have your seat, Moni." Sucre spoke a bit more softly, his eyes showing the kindness he felt he needed to express to her. Monica took a seat right before him. It had been three weeks since she joined the dating site and had been approached by so many potential lovers.

She had even secured a date with two men who she'd been chatting with since the first day she created her own account on the app. It didn't help that she was the face of the dating app, so many men took pleasure in knowing the beautiful woman who was the face on the app was also single and searching.

One of those men was a very handsome man closely related to the royal family in  Spain and the other was an estate manager in one of the biggest hotels in Canada. Three other men were also planning on taking her on a date as well. One of them was the owner of a car dealing company.

Monica didn't care for their money since she was doing well financially. All she wanted, if she'd be sincere with herself, was someone that would make her forget Sucre. Make her feel things that no other man had made her feel before she met Sucre, when she was with him and even after they got separated.

Then she remembered those words he'd said to her on the day she went to Sanders inc for the shoot again. 'You both are all I have right now.'

His words from that day when she had left the office with Nana had been ringing in her head nonstop and even though she didn't want to think about it, the words were still stuck there regardless.

Why did he tell her that?

Did she and her daughter really mean that much to him? If so, then who was the other lady who'd visited the other day? She gritted her teeth while remembering how Sucre had draped an arm over the woman's shoulder when he was leading her to the elevator. Snapping out of her thoughts, Monica shook her head and realized Sucre had been speaking to her.

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