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It's a blurry night, you are all I see. The world is black in white, but we are technicolour, baby. We are reckless, let's jump off a cliff tonight. Let's run away to the sea. Let's buy a house in the suburbs and settle down, we'll have a baby boy and two cats. It's a blurry night, we look best in blue. Will you marry me? You are so beautiful when you sleep. In the morning, I will still love you. I will make you breakfast, bread and cheese and whatever you like. Will you still love me? We will go to the beach again, I will sit on the rocks and watch you, and hope the ocean takes you away. I can come back and tell everyone that I dreamt you all up, really.

Because, when all is said and done, I will only remember your silhouette best. So come back to bed, babe. You look too real against the sun. Stay still. It's a blurry night, let us be holy.

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