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Hey, how are you doing? Haven't heard from you in a while. I had a dream about you this morning, and I can still feel the shape of you in my arms still. You were wearing a blue sweater. The last time I saw you was in a protest rally, your voice drowned out in the anger of delicate throats, you asked me how was, I don't remember what I said but I remember I wanted to walk with you, for a while. The world is falling apart but I believed you and I could save it, together. You looked so beautiful in the evening light. You walked with me for a while, the world is falling apart but they are going to build a new one from what remains, the debris of another world war. In the dream, we walked together. The world was still falling apart and we were running out of time. You were going to kiss me. You said you keep forgetting the line of our history, I could feel your breath on my lips. Maybe you were right. Maybe I don't remember the first time I saw you but I remember I loved you as a child. You were a child too. I borrowed your maths book just to talk to you. I don't even think of you that often any more but my knees still shake when I hear your name. The sky is a beautiful colour today. It made me think of you. We used to go home together, your eyes were hazel, the kids used to laugh at you but you never said anything. I wish you were here. Do you still have the bracelet that I got for you? I lost your number but I heard you still ask after me sometimes. I hope your corner of the world treats you right, I hope you still have the time to watch the evening fall on this edge of the world and blur the lines of the city. The world is falling apart but something in the lilac of the sky makes me think of you. I can't get the dream out of my mind. I keep forgetting the line of our history, what came first, the maths book or the bracelet or the dream or the lilac sky. In the dream, you held me in your arms, it is only in dreams that I will know what it is to be loved by you. I keep forgetting our history, it's getting dark and I only see the light from the window across the street. You were always so kind to me. If there are angels on earth, I am pretty sure you are one. I forget our history, and who we are, but I know a part of me will still long for you, like this, always.

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