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Our love spilled from fluorescent light grease eat outs, you sat across the table and tattooed our initials on my arm. We got pasta and a drink. Your skin was blue, and I could only see you. You were learning to play the guitar, said you'd write a song about me someday. You sang the Ultracheese to me. It was raining that day, the city was yellow by evening. It got green inside. You had Talking Heads on your wall. Said you would draw me, like in the Titanic. Said I was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. Stay still, you said. I did. Didn't have no choice, did I? I was so in love with you.

You love another now. I have started feeling old, but the Ultracheese came up on the radio, and you are all I can think about today. The monsoon is late this year, it hasn't rained in a while. The sun is out, the city is grey. To tell you the truth, love was a laserquest only with you.

Oh lover, you should come over tonight.

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