Chapter Twenty- Vera

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The next day we ride with urgency to stay warm. Icy air comes off the snow that fell overnight. The cold clings to everything, wrapping around our cloaks, trying to find a way inside to suck out our warmth.

The country is gradually flattening, the woods growing sparser each hour. In a day's time, we will be close enough to Pynth to make our final camp. The arrival will be good for the subdued assassins, who are used to training day in and day out. I sense their restlessness.

Occasionally, I bark an order, and the entire company makes a gradual change in direction. It isn't much, considering our route is straight southwest. With thousands of men, it's barely noticeable anyways, but it keeps them alert.

Since this morning, I've remained in my own mind, riding ahead of the captains just to keep my thoughts to myself. I can't stop thinking about the mystery girl on the other side of the golden mirror. It's as if she is trying to ensnare me in a trap.

No matter how many times I try to convince myself she is some fabrication of a childhood dream, I can't help but think she is real. While she looks identical to me, her expressions and tone of voice are someone else entirely.

A Kepper screeches somewhere behind us, and its call sends a chill down my spine. It seems the soldiers are not the only ones restless. I turn to Leech. "Can you not keep those beasts quiet, captain?"

He brings his light-coated horse up next to mine, smiling apologetically. "I'm afraid not, Commander. You look tired; do you need to get some rest?"

"Rest? Ha! What's that?"

Leech chuckles. "This will be a battle of the elite, Commander. Our chances are quite good. And our men know better than to show any weakness even if they should feel your doubt. You have a force behind you that's not afraid to fight to the very end."

I nod in response.

When the sun begins sinking rapidly below the horizon, I call the assassins to a halt. We settle down seconds before being shrouded in night. Soon those not on watch are around the campfires drinking warm ale.

I'm surprised when Captain Ryker brings me a mug. I take it gladly, and wash it down quick.

Soon we both are red-faced from drink, and our sides hurt from laughter—a rare moment for both of us.

"You need to drink more often, Commander. You are much better to be around when you're not a tight-faced bitch!" Ryker confesses humorously.

I ignore Leech's scowl. Leech has decided to remain sober.

"Lose the pair between your legs, Captain, and you will find being a female among these men isn't a simple stroll through the pines," I retort.

Ryker laughs, lifting up his mug. "Here, here!" He slaps Leech on the back, making his scowl deepen. "What's wrong with you, Captain? A Kepper got a slice of your tongue?"

"Of course not, you drunken fool. My only concern is their guard could be surrounding us at this very moment, ready to take care of all of you, in your soon-to-be drunken slumber."

"Shit, Leech. With your sharp mind, I'm sure we'll be fine on your sober watch. Leave the Commander and me alone. For once we can stand each other's company longer than a minute."

I bob my head in agreement. "That's the truth. Here, have a drink Captain." I sweep out my mug, spilling half of it in Leech's lap. "Shit! Sorry Leech!"

Leech jumps up, takes my mug, and throws the remaining ale in the fire.

"Hey!" I shout.

"I am calling it a night, Commander. And maybe you should too."

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