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A/N: this is kind of inspired by a story I read on here called Eye of the Hurricane by lmmfan882

Tw: mentions of abuse/ violence

"Alexander, wake up. We have to take you to the airport." 

Alex sat up in bed and groaned, lifting a hand to shield his eyes from the light streaming through the open window. 

Mrs. Jergensen, the woman who ran Nevis' one and only orphanage was sitting on the edge of his bed, typing furiously on her phone while checking her watch impatiently. 

"We have to be there in one hour. Go wash up and get dressed. We have to go." 

Alex lazily pulled the hair ties out of his hair and undid the two thick black braids. He took his time, running his fingers through the silky black strands and fluffing his hair up with his hands. 

"Alexander, come on! We don't have time for this!" 

Mrs. Jergensen gave him one last nasty look before leaving the room so he could get changed. Alex lay back in his bed, wishing he could just go back to sleep. 

Today he was flying to the United States so he could go live with his new parents, an American couple named George and Martha Washington. 

He didn't want to live with the Washingtons. He didn't want to go to America. 

Stupid Washingtons. Alex thought as he walked into the bathroom and washed his face. The cold water helped to wake him up, but did nothing to improve his mood. They're just some stupid self-righteous Americans trying to earn brownie points by adopting a brown kid from a "poor country." They're probably going to parade me around to all their friends to show off how open-minded and progressive they are. 

He brushed his teeth and got dressed, putting on a pair of jeans that was several sizes too big for him and an oversized gray sweater. As he put his sneakers on and grabbed his suitcase full of his few belongings (the suitcase was pretty much full of books with a few garments of clothing here and there), he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. 

His face was greasy from the cheap vegetable oil based lotion the orphanage provided. His clothes were filthy and far too big. He was practically swimming in his hoodie. His hair was filthy and disgusting from a week without washing it. His chocolate brown eyes looked too big for his skinny face.  

Yep, I look like the sterotypical "kid I adopted from a poor country to make myself feel good." I'm going to look great on the Washingtons' Facebook page. 

"Alexander, we have to go!" Mrs. Jergensen yelled from the hallway. 

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Alex said, picking up his suitcase and walking to the door. 

"Your flight leaves in 45 minutes. Go downstairs and get in the car." 

Alex deliberately walked as slowly as he could, dragging his feet as he trudged down the stairs. 

"Alexander, for God's sake, hurry up! You'll miss your flight if you continue at this rate." 

"Good." Alex mumbled. "I want to miss my flight. I don't want to go to America. I don't want to live with the stupid Washingtons." 

"Alex, we've talked about this. Be nice to the Washingtons. You've been here since you were twelve and nobody's wanted to adopt you. Don't throw away your only shot at getting off this stupid island." 

Alex sighed. "Fine. I'll be nice to them, but I won't be happy about it." 

"That's the spirit, Alex." 

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