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Trigger warning: mental illness mention

A/N: Wow the AP Psychology student in me really came out during this chapter lol. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I haven't been in a very good place mentally lately but writing makes me feel better cuz I know that reading stories makes people happy and it makes me feel better to know that at least I'm doing something good for others. 

Also thanks for 3k reads y'all are the best!

"Good afternoon, Alexander."

Alex kept his eyes fixed on the carpeted floor as he awkwardly sat down on the couch.

The therapist's office was small and cozy-looking, clearly designed to look like a welcoming living room so the patient would be comfortable. But the fuzzy blankets and throw pillows had no effect on Alex. He still felt like he was in a prison cell.

"Good afternoon." Alex muttered, still refusing to look up at the woman sitting across from him.

He just wanted this to be over.

"My name is Petra. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Alex pulled his feet up onto the couch next to him, trying to make himself as small as possible.

Maybe if he made himself small enough, he could disappear completely.

"So, Alexander, tell me about yourself."

"I prefer Alex." He muttered.

"You're going to have to look up while you're speaking." Petra said. "I can't hear a word you're saying if you're talking to the floor."

Alex hesitantly looked up, fixing his eyes on the counselor for the first time. She was a small woman with shoulder-length red hair and round glasses. She looked nice enough, but looks could be deceiving. Alex knew that better than anyone.

"I prefer to be called Alex. Not Alexander."

Petra smiled. "Okay, Alex." Petra looked down at the clipboard resting on her lap. "Mr. Washington told me that you're from the Carribean, is that correct?"

"Yeah. I'm from an island called Nevis."

"And you've lived there your whole life."

"Until a few months ago, yeah. Then Washingtons adopted me and I moved here."

"Has it been hard? Moving to a new country?"

"A little bit." Alex admitted. "The hardest part has definitely been going to school. I've never been to a real school before, so I'm not used to all the classes and the teachers and the navigating the incredibly confusing and wildly crowded hallways."

"Do you enjoy school, Alex?"

"For the most part." Alex said. "Except for English class. I hate my English class with a passion."

"And why is that?"

"It's not that the class itself is bad. I just don't like the people. These two assholes sit behind me and gossip the whole time, even while the teacher is talking. Sometimes I can't even focus cuz all I can hear is their bullshit conversation." Alex clenched his fists in frustration. "It's so unfair. Just because they don't want to pay attention doesn't mean that they can make it so nobody can."

Petra smiled. "That's a fair point, Alex. Though, unfortunately, dealing with people you don't like is just a part of life. Sometimes you just have to grin and bear it."

"It just makes me angry because getting good grades is my only chance of getting into law school and having a good life. It's like they're taking my chance away because they're so privileged and ignorant that they don't understand the fact that some people need to work to get what they want. They're going to get into college no matter what. They have everything handed to them. To them, high school is just a stepping stone before they go to some party college that their rich parents paid for. For people like me, getting good grades is our only chance of success."

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