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Trigger warning: mentions of abuse

A/N: In this chapter Alex talks about a poem called The White Man's Burden. It's a terrible poem that my teacher made us read for history class. It's relevant to the conversation Alex has with Petra but I also just wanted to rant about how much I despise that poem. In case you can't tell I'm obsessed with history and love a good ole' rant about things that happened hundreds of years ago. Also I wrote so much today that my wrist is cramping. BUT ALEX'S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IS WORTH THE PAIN! 


"John, how was the meeting?" Alex asked as he sat down at their table in the library. "I was going to text you about it last night, but I kind of typed the text out then fell asleep before I could hit send."

"I've done that a million times." John laughed. "But the meeting was... great. It went surprisingly well, actually. I showed them my comic and they all seemed to like it. Nobody laughed at me or called me John the Psycho, which is definitely a plus."

"I'm glad it worked out, John." Alex said. "I know you were really worried."

"It was a weird experience. To have people paying attention to me for a reason besides to make fun of me. I think that was the most I've ever talked in school." John pulled his sketchbook out of his bag. "We just brainstormed some ideas for the shirts. I've made a few sample designs with the ideas they gave me, but obviously nothing is finalized yet."

"What are you planning to do?"

"James said we could try to make it a metaphor or something symbolic. That way it still represents the GSA and what it stands for, but it's not so over-the-top or obvious that nobody wants to buy it. If it just looks like a nice design on a t-shirt, more people will buy it, which means more money."

"James Madison?" Alex raised his eyebrows. "The asshole in my English class? What was he doing there?"

John laughed. "That's exactly what I asked Lafayette. Aaron was there too. James is gay, and Aaron is there to support his girlfriend, who is bisexual. According to Lafayette, they're both a lot nicer when Thomas isn't around."

Alex scoffed. "I'll believe that when I see it."

"You could come with me to the next meeting if you want." John said, his cheeks going a bit pink. "I mean, I'm not going to force you or anything, but I think it'd be fun."

Alex smiled. "Yeah, it will be fun."

"See, John the Drug Addict does find things besides marajuana fun. Take that, haters." John laughed and shook his head. "Just kidding, I'm not relevant enough to have any haters."

"Don't worry, John, I'm sure you have plenty of haters." Alex said, placing his hand on his chest in a gesture of mock-sincerity.

"Why thank you, my dear Alexander. I've always wanted haters of my very own." John said in the same mocking tone.

"'My dear Alexander?' What am I, your wife?"

John was laughing so hard his entire face was flushed. "Yes, you're my wife, now go make me a cup of tea."

"Why does the wife always have to make the husband tea? Just for once I'd like my husband to make me a cup of tea! Is that too much to ask?"

John was laughing so hard he could barely breathe. "Fine, my dear wife, I'll make you a cup of tea."

"Earl Gray, please. It's the best tea. All other tea is inferior. All other tea can be thrown into the Boston Harbor because Earl Gray is the only tea that matters."

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