Winds and Wolves [14]

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Winds and Wolves


"So you have no idea where she'd be?"

The girl behind the desk straightened her glasses and shrugged. She returned to sifting through the thick leather book before her, ignoring Nox's impatient glare. A group of girls came laughing from the halls leading to the female dorm rooms, catching the attention of the young, exasperated apprentice. He turned and met the curious gaze of a blue haired woman. She split apart from her friends who began to nudge and whisper to one another and approached Nox cheerfully.

"Artois!" she started with a grin. Nox frowned as he tried to place the familiar face... a former classmate perhaps? The stranger's lips tightened as she asked, "You don't remember me, do you?"

"Sorry. Should I?"

"No, I suppose not. We've never really talked before. I'm Nadia, the dorm head. You were at the marking ceremony when I came and met Lanna."

Nox nodded slowly as he recalled the ceremony.

"You had purple hair," he stated, looking to the vibrant blue Nadia now harboured. She laughed.

"Yeah, that sometimes happens. My hair colour changes with my mood."

"And I suppose you helped Lanna with hers, then?"

Nadia considered Nox's question. "Sort of. It was her idea. I think she rocks the new look."

Nox's eyes softened. "She does... Speaking of Lanna, have you seen her recently? She's not in her room."

Nadia tilted her head, her large hoop earrings falling with the motion. She was casually dressed along with her friends and Nox. The uniform was only mandatory during classes while at the academy, and being a Sunday, no classes were running for the day. Nadia sighed.

"Lanna must be at the south wing library. She's been going there every week since classes started."

Nox frowned. "The library?"

"I know, I never picked her as a geek either. I bet if you swing past there now, you'd find her in one of the booths reserved to the silent zone."

"Right. Thanks."

Nadia smiled. "Tell her I say hi." She broke away and caught back up with her friends who circled her like vultures and began to poke and prod her. They laughed secretively and began to sneak glances towards Nox. He rolled his eyes and exited the dorm, headed for the south wing library.

Lanna was tucked between two large shelves in a booth as Nadia had described. Nox watched as she held her head in her hands and chewed on her bottom lip in thought, eyes focused on a large sprawled out book. She was dressed just as casual as Nox in a black top and brown leather leggings, the only bright colour she adorned was the golden locket around her neck. He slid into the booth opposite her and waited until she looked up. When she did, he shared her a delightful smile.

"I finally find you, miss Sinclair."

Lanna rolled her eyes and moved back into her seat.

"How can I help you?"

"Alderyth has summoned you. Time for that one-on-one you were speaking of."

Lanna snapped to attention. "Are you serious?"

Nox shrugged. "Well, I might tag along for the fun of it. But I was serious about the lesson part. Alderyth wants to start his lessons with you today."

"Then I'll pack up here," she declared as she began to collect her notes and quills. Nox swung around the book Lanna was studying and began to inspect it with disinterest.

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