A Handsome Witch [17]

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A Handsome Witch


The carriage pulled through Pelgray but didn't stop. Lanna was a well-versed traveller thanks to her former position at the Thieves' Guild, yet she'd never the chance to explore the small coastal town before.

As they moved through the winding streets of the busy town, she pulled back the curtains to inspect the red roofed buildings that descended towards the cobalt blue ocean. Waves crashed against the rocky ledges the townhouses stood upon and the sweet smell of salt filled her nose. How long had it been since she'd last seen the sea?

Nox must have noticed how enamoured she was with the view. "Heron is much like Pelgray, only larger and more beautiful. The waters of the capital sparkle like millions of jewels. The locals say the seabed is made of diamonds and if you're daring enough to swim so deep, you'll be as rich as the Nerese King."

Lanna had only visited Heron once when she was younger. Her memory of the Southern Province's Capital eluded her. She merely shrugged in Nox's direction and continued watching the town go pass. Eventually, they turned north and headed for Lord Harriot's Estate.

When they arrived it was twilight, colours of pink and yellow thrown across the horizon. The estate was buried in lush woods, a contrast to the flatlands they had been travelling through thus far. They entered through a golden wiry gate and followed the long unsealed path to the Lord's manor. Gothic brown, adorned with countless spirals and windows, in the twilight the enormous house looked mysterious and creepy. When Lanna disembarked the carriage, she was met with white marble stairs leading to two great, heavy doors. Alderyth strode ahead, Nox in tow.

Before they made it above the stairs, a door opened, a servant ushering the Mages in. If the outside of the manor could be described as daunting, then the inside of the house would be outright terrifying. The grandeur of the place was somewhat lost on Lanna who was not accustomed to great things. The castle that was the Mages' Guild was a fantastic building, clearly rich in historical architecture, yet it was decorated humbly. Lord Harriot's manor was no such thing.

The entering room reeked of wealth. Black marble sculptures on grand podiums besieged every alcove along the walls. The grand white tiles shun impeccably below a majestic red carpet that trailed from hall to hall and even up the two adjacent staircases leading to what Lanna presumed were the private quarters. A chandelier fitted with dazzling candles and shiny white jewels hung low from the ceiling, emitting the room in a fine yellow hue.

To one staircase stood a tall beautiful woman, her hair golden like the sun and as voluminous as her curves. She was elegant and stunning in a deep mulberry purple dress that was cut with a window on her bosom, showcasing an expensive golden necklace embedded with a fat red ruby. She spoke with an older man who was just as neatly dressed yet lacked the same elegance. Thinning brown hair stood atop his head and his lanky stature made him seem weakly. Alderyth turned to his apprentices and quietly said, "That man is the one who hired us, Lord Benson Harriot."

Lanna had guessed as much.

"Is that his wife that he talks to?" she asked. Nox scoffed.

"He'd hope not," he said.

Lord Harriot noticed the Mages' entrance and abruptly ended his conversation. He quickly turned to greet Alderyth.

"Master Alderyth, you've arrived. I feared you weren't going to make it."

"Pleasure to meet you, Lord Harriot. Please excuse our tardiness. We were unfortunately met with some thieves in our travels that delayed us for a few hours."

"Oh, what bad news. I hope you and your party otherwise travelled well."

"We did," Alderyth replied with a gentle smile. As Lanna had once suspected, the elder was a natural conversationalist. Alderyth seemed clued in on how to interact with nobility much finer than she was.

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