Sheepish Wolves, Jealous Orchards [23]

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Sheepish Wolves, Jealous Orchards


She tried to cry a warning but her voice gave way, sore and dry from the Summoner's demons. The slight relief Lanna felt upon Nox's arrival quickly turned into terror as the sorcerer turned his full attention to the black haired apprentice.

Nox's face was dark and cruel, his demeanour made that more intimidating by the snarling black wolf beside him. When he spoke, it was through gritted teeth.


Not a question, not a request. A command. The wolf sunk low to the ground, claws digging into dirt, readying itself for an attack. The Summoner remained still.

Lanna finally drew enough breath to speak.

"The book," she rasped, her hand on her throat. She jabbed a finger at the thick book the Summoner held. "He's here for the book."

Nox's eyes sharpened as he scanned it.

"A grimoire," he cursed. Then, with a smirk, "Must be important to you."

The wolf pounced, clearing the distance like it was nothing. With great, big teeth bared, it slammed its full weight into the Summoner and snapped for his arm. Maybe it intended to bite off the arm that held the book.

Lanna took the moment of surprise to pick herself up and run to Nox but she stumbled at the attempt. Looking down, her ankle was twisted at an ungodly angle, bruises already marring her skin. How'd she not realise it before was beyond her. A sprain from jumping out the second floor window?

Nox scrambled across the rocks and raced towards her. He skidded to his knees and grabbed her by the shoulders, that anger gone, replaced with alarm. She winced on impact.

"Did he hurt you?" Nox said. The feral snarls of the wolf sounded far off. Lanna shook her head.

"No-Well, I'm not sure. I jumped from the library window."

Nox's eyes bulged. "You what!?"

She pushed him off and tried to stand. "That doesn't matter. We need to get that book."

The apprentices looked to the Summoner, who was stumbling away from the wolf, a tear in the sleeve of his cloak. Blood brushed the fabric. He bled red at least. The demons wrested the wolf now, Nox's conjuration snapping at the smoke apparitions and failing to lock its teeth. The Summoner's demons were winning, their mana sucking abilities interfering with Nox's ability to hold the magical connection with his conjuration.

It wouldn't hold out much longer, they realised.

"Can you walk?" he said, noting Lanna's awkward stance. Pain shot through her when she put weight on her injured ankle. This was nothing, she told herself. She'd sustained worse injuries and survived.

She nodded and took a step. And nearly buckled again. Nox scowled.

"Just stay behind me."

The Summoner in a furious motion sent out a slash of Ether. It whirled into Nox's wolf and dissipated it into thin air. The smoke demons gathered and swam around in victorious cheer. Swiftly, the Summoner turned to the mages and raised his unscathed arm. Lanna stiffened and instinctively reached for Nox. His hand interlaced with hers, his fingers long and cold against her own, yet it was a source of warmth.

Time and space began to warp. That strong pungent smell of black magic wafted through the air and a portal of darkness spawned by the sorcerer. The bone demon crawled out of its soul chamber, the skull that was its head fixated upon a deformed body. Lanna felt Nox falter in his stance as the creature stood by its Master and the portal snapped shut, yet he squeezed her hand as reassurance.

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