Withering Residue [21]

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Withering Residue


When the servants rasped on Lanna's door, she was ready to fend them off.

"No need," she called, dressed and made for the day in a simple trouser and blouse. "You really don't need to come in the mornings."

"Miss, there seems to be a problem!"

Lanna turned slowly and walked to the door. On the other side was a pale faced servant.

"Miss," she puffed. "There's a brawl downstairs."

"A brawl?" Lanna frowned. The servant rushed to lead Lanna to the main floor. When Lanna neared the top of the grand staircases, she could hear the raised voices of men echo throughout the manor. It wasn't until she peered over the rail that she confirmed her worse fears: Lucien and Nox were bickering, making a sordid display for all the servants to gather and tattle about.

Nox thrusted an accusatory finger at the witch and growled, "It was your doing!"

Lucien's eyes darkened as he chuckled to himself. "I really don't know what you're talking about."

"Black magic," Nox spat, each word dripping in disgust. "It's no secret the Coven practice it. You tried to kill me yesterday." His voice dipped low and menacing. "You tried to kill Lanna."

The handsome witch took a step back.

"You've got to be kidding, right?" he snorted. "I would never hurt her."

"I'm having a hard time believing that."

Lucien shrugged. "It's not my place to convince you. Believe what you want." Lucien turned to end the conversation and walk out on Nox. He got as far as a couple of steps before a cracking surge of wind threw him back on the marble tiles, bringing him to a halt. Lanna gasped as she watched Nox summon his elemental magic. Lucien sharply turned and started on Nox. He grabbed the apprentice by the collar and pulled him close, locking fierce eyes.

"Try that again, mageling, and I really might try to kill you."

Nox smirked.

"Summon the demons again. I'll be better prepared."

"Are you really that thick!?" Lucien cried. "Are you that determined to paint me as your villain?"

"You're doing that for yourself quite easily."

Lucien held Nox's gaze for a second longer, then sighed. He let go off his collar and distanced himself, to Lanna's relief. By now, her knuckles were clenched so tight on the staircase rail they were bone white.

Lucien dusted his clothes and straightened his shoulders. His amber eyes glinted. He spoke something too quiet for Lanna's ears. It was a long sentence that sent Nox rigid instantly.

Then, without a beat, Nox's fist went flying.

His fist connected firmly with Lucien's jaw, a motion so powerful Lucien stumbled back. Lanna dashed down the stairs in an instant and threw herself before the two fevered men, locking her eyes with theirs.

"Enough!" she commanded, her arms flying out. She looked from Nox, from his dark piercing eyes and scabbed cheek, to Lucien, who brandished a new red mark inflamed on the right side of his face. She shook her head in exasperation. "No more arguing, no more accusations. Nox-" She turned on the bristling mage. "Lucien is not the Summoner."

"How do you know?" he snapped. Lanna rolled her eyes.

"If he wanted to kill us, he'd have tried it while we slept. I can imagine easier ways to go about it than manipulating space and time too." She turned on Lucien next. "You. Stop provoking him on purpose."

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