twenty six

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Chapter Twenty Six
"I'm right here."

Michael impatiently slammed his hand down on the car horn, beeping at the hay cart that had been, painfully slowly, trudging along the road in front of them. "Move!"

Arabella released a heavy sigh of exasperation as she leaned back in her seat, Michael's frustrations fuelling her own. They were on their way to John and Esme's to warn them about Changretta, and get them straight back to Watery Lane, but time felt like it was quickly running out.

"Michael, fucking step on it will you?" Arabella couldn't help but snap.

"Do you want us to fucking crash?" He bit back, sparing a glance over at her. Arabella stared silently out of the window as they passed through the countryside. It was a drive she'd done herself many times when visiting John and Esme, and it was usually a peaceful time, with beautiful but views. But the stakes were high today, and Arabella felt the pressure mounting on her the more that time passed.

"There," she spoke, pointing towards the space for Michael to pull in to. He quickly swerved so they wouldn't miss the turning, pulling the car into the drive. Arabella reached into the glove compartment, snatching out her small revolver and tucking it into her waistband. Michael looked over at her as she did so, raising his eyebrows. "What? I'm being careful."

Michael shook his head, silently dismissing how cautious she was being. "It doesn't matter. Just relax a bit, all right? It's Christmas."

"I am relaxed," Arabella argued back. Michael gave her a look. "Shut up and get out of the car."

Michael couldn't help but smile slightly, but did as she ordered, stepping out of the car on the opposite side to her. Arabella met his eyes, nodding her head over to the house. They both began to head up the path, Arabella's hand inching towards the gun in her waistband, until Michael suddenly grabbed her hand instead, stopping her movement in her tracks.

Arabella looked over at him in surprise, but he didn't meet her eyes, nor did he let go of her hand. She shook her head, turning back around, biting down to stifle the smile threatening to tug at her lips.

The house seemed quiet, too quiet for John's house, which began to unnerve Arabella. "Hello?" Michael called out.

Arabella started to slow, prompting Michael to do the same, until they heard a gun click. She whipped her head around, heart almost leaping into her throat until she realised it was John.

"Oh, fuck, it's you two," John said, slowly lowering the shotgun. "Got nothing better to do on Christmas morning?"

"Tommy wants everybody at Charlie's yard now," Michael told him, cutting straight to it. Arabella might have began with a 'Merry Christmas, John' instead, but time was of the essence, to be fair to him. "Come on."

John shooed the dogs inside, closing the door shut behind him. "What's going to happen?" He challenged, looking between them both. "It's fucking Christmas."

"John, we don't have time for this," Arabella said, sparing a glance around them, feeling a little on edge out in the open.

John watched her for a moment, hesitating, knowing that Arabella wouldn't have come if it wasn't important. "Come into the house."

"Just come to the meeting," Michael countered.

"Have some food," John continued, ignoring him as he began to open the front door to let them inside.

As soon as it was opened, Esme came storming out, jabbing a finger at Michael. "Tell Tommy Shelby we can look after ourselves."

"Tommy says they could come for us today," Michael replied calmly.

Arabella || Peaky Blinders [Michael Gray]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz