thirty four

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Chapter Thirty Four
"I'm trying to protect you."

For the past couple of weeks, Arabella had spent the majority of her time at the hospital with Michael.

Mostly, they sat together at the table, attempting to get ahead of the mass piles of paperwork they had to complete. It reminded Arabella of when they used to work together in the office – except Michael would usually be doing something to piss her off, and she'd actually be finishing the work. This time, however, Michael seemed to be working extra hard, despite Arabella's assurances that she would take care of it. But Michael insisted, telling her she'd done enough of that over the past few years. So, she didn't argue, and appreciated the newfound hardworking side of him for what it was – incredibly sexy.

"Stop looking at me like that," Michael finally spoke up, not quite managing to hide the smirk tugging at his lips.

Arabella sat opposite him with her elbows on the table, chin resting on her hands as she gazed at him. "Like what?"

Michael looked up at her, raising his eyebrows. "Like that."

"Not my fault that even in hospital clothes you're still hot," she grinned back.

Ever since their kiss the other week, the two of them had been growing closer romantically. A lot of it was just flirting, and painful sexual tension for anybody that was in the room with them. There was the occasional make out session, but Polly had walked in on them in a fairly compromising position the other day so they had decided to be more careful with that.

They weren't strictly in a relationship, neither had asked the question of whether they were officially together, but both of them felt that they were heading in that direction. And when the war with the Italians was over, and when Michael was better and could actually focus properly on his life again, he'd decided that he'd officially ask her to be his girlfriend.

Both of them turned their heads as they heard the door click open, a nurse stepping inside the room. Arabella didn't think anything of it, returning to scribbling on the papers in front of her, until she heard Michael's voice. "What are you doing?"

Arabella glanced up as the nurse snatched Michael's bag closed, the bag Arabella knew had a gun inside it. Both of them rose to their feet on instinct, but the nurse shoved Michael back, letting out a loud shriek as she grabbed the bag and ran.

"Shit!" Arabella cursed as Michael fell to the floor, dropping down to her knees beside him. "Are you okay?" A gunshot rang out in the corridor, and Arabella snapped her attention towards the door. "Shit. Someone's coming."

"Go," Michael told her, straining as he tried to sit up. Arabella placed her hand on his back, helping to hoist him back up to the bed.

"I'm not leaving you," she said firmly, casting another glance at the door. On the table, her own bag sat in the middle of it, the gun she owned tucked away deep inside. "Hang on."

Before she could even reach the table, the door had opened again, slamming shut behind whoever had walked in. She heard the lock click, the sound causing her entire body to stiffen. Slowly, she turned her head, watching as Luca Changretta strode inside.

Arabella had to act quickly. Not having enough time to find her gun, she snatched her bag from the table, rushing over to Michael to stand between him and Luca.

Michael began to sit upright as the man approached them. Arabella's eyes drifted over Luca, the toothpick in his mouth, instantly reminding her of John. Her jaw tightened, eyes locking with his.

"Uh-uh-uh, where I'm from, a hat on the bed's unlucky," Luca spoke. Arabella gritted her teeth in an effort to remain silent. "My family say it brings death. Maybe, maybe that's what happened last time my man was sent for you, you got lucky."

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